Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years)

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Book: Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years) by Sky Purington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Purington
their journey to a place even a five hundred year old witch could not imagine. Because of that, she never stopped paying attention to details. Every marking on the stone meant something, every slash and cross on the floor, another. If there was a curve carved into a nook, she noticed. If a loop was scratched into the center of the ceiling above, she noticed.
    Still, they traveled down.
    When they reached a large, oval torch-lit room at the bottom, Iosbail squeezed Caitriona’s hand and stood taller. She need not have the gift now to know that this was a place of not only great but very old magic. Alexander and Shamus were already there; dressed not in kilts but in the same long, drab brown robes, each with a satchel and a weapon. A chill ran through her.
    Iosbail knew in an instant. “We travel to Leodhais .”
    Alexander, far more intimidating than she expected him capable, walked to her and she released Caitriona’s hand. Not to take his hand but to clench her fists in frustration.
    “The Outer Hebrides await . You ken the meaning?”
    “You mean to travel through the Hebrides to Argyll.”
    The Sinclair nodded. “The standing stones will make our journey far shorter.”
    “For some,” Iosbail hissed, angry. “For most, nay!”
    “For us, aye,” Alexander said and turned, not giving her a chance to respond. “Come now.”
    “I will not.”
    When he turned Iosbail saw not the steely determination of his eyes but fiery silver. Her breath whooshed from her chest. Her knees grew weak. In one look he nearly sucked the humanity from her. Furious she shook her head. “Nay!”
    “Aye!” He roared.
    The ground rumbled. The cave walls shook. It took sheer will power not to fall to his feet, not to cower beneath his strength. Her eyes widened. Alexander had great magic. When was it exactly she assumed he didn’t? Iosbail ground her teeth. Mayhap it’d been when he was posing for her on a rock with his muscles strong and his cock long.
    Bloody Sinclairs!
    “’Tis one of the most dangerous places in Scotland and well you know it,” she said.
    “We willnae be there long.”
    Iosbail shook her head. “The clans there are of the wildest, most violent and strongest in the Viking magi. Even if I had my powers, you, Shamus and I would not nearly possess the strength to fight them. ‘Tis with good reason I’ve steered clear of the spot for five hundred years even though I am immortal!”
    Alexander was quite clearly stuck in his ways. “I know precisely what and who you are, Iosbail. With or without your powers, the four of us do not have the means or protection to travel so far alone. We will pass through the Hebrides but briefly. From there we travel to the Cowal Peninsula where the MacLomains will no doubt be waiting. This decision is final.”
     “Fool,” she muttered. Even though Iosbail was up for a good adventure, this truly tested her limits. But being left behind wasn’t an option. If for no other reason than that she didn’t want Caitriona to be on her own with them.
    Or so she tried to convince herself.
    The Norman lass’s eyes were round as saucers as Iosbail took her hands and explained gently, “We will travel far in a short time. When we do you will smell sweet fire, feel lightheaded and hear what sounds to be thunder ripping apart the whole of Scotland. It will be a petrifying experience.”
    Shamus and Alexander stared at Iosbail, incredulous.
    “Was that your way of comforting her, lassie?” Shamus asked.
    Iosbail looked from the men to Caitriona and back. “The lass deserves the truth. She will follow me regardless.”
    Alexander rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Brouns.”
    Caitriona nodded in acquiesce when Shamus looked at her in question.
    “Fine then. ‘ Tis time to go,” Alexander said.
    Jameson appeared wearing long dark robes with a small symbol emblazoned across a wrap. Like his clan, this masonic symbol would endure the generations and travel the world. It would be as

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