Highland Intrigue (Duncurra Book Book 3)

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Book: Highland Intrigue (Duncurra Book Book 3) by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceci Giltenan
Practically before he knew it, their promises had been spoken and Fingal held the blessed, gold ring, symbolizing their eternal bond in his hand. He took Gillian’s cold hand in his, capturing her gaze for a moment. Looking into the amber depths of her eyes he saw neither hate nor fear, only uncertainty mixed with determination. Well at least that’s something . He slipped the gold band on her ring finger saying, “With this ring, I thee wed, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
    Father Stephen finished the ceremony with the final blessings before saying, “Laird MacLennan, ye may kiss yer bride.”
    Fingal caressed her cheek tenderly. She arched an eyebrow at him, but he cupped her jaw in his hand before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss. Cheers of approval filled the little church. Gillian’s lips were soft and warm. He had the sudden urge to pull her closer and deepen the kiss, but he refrained. When he stepped back, she looked bemused and a small gasp escaped her lips. Fingal smiled, pleased to see she was not unaffected. “My lady, shall we lead our clan back to the keep? I understand something of a last minute feast has been prepared to celebrate our nuptials.”
    Still looking perplexed she answered, “Aye, Laird.”
    Fingal suppressed a grin. This formidable young woman, who argued with the king’s messenger from the top of her curtain wall and laughed in the face of wind and snow, was knocked off balance by his kiss. Aye, there was hope for this marriage.
    ~ * ~
    Jeanne had indeed managed to pull together a modest feast. They were served a creamy fish stew, roasted salmon and root vegetables, fresh bread, preserved fruit, and one of Gillian’s favorites, a rich dense cake made with dried apples. It was a good thing Ailsa, who sat on her left, kept up her usual running chatter because Gillian had trouble focusing on anything. She couldn’t possibly have made intelligent conversation with anyone.
    Fingal’s kiss had surprised her. It was sweet and gentle, almost loving. She knew their vows would be sealed with a kiss, but she hadn’t expected to like it. Well at least it was over, she thought.
    But it wasn’t. All through the meal he did little things that unsettled her. He touched her hand seemingly randomly or brushed her arm with his. He served her food and filled her goblet with wine. He leaned in to whisper a comment or ask a question. Each time it caused her stomach to flutter.
    At the end of the meal, their new laird called for quiet. “This has been a wonderful feast. My thanks to ye Jeanne for pulling it together so quickly. The welcome is most appreciated.” He waited while a cheer went up praising Jeanne’s efforts. “Although the king’s dictate named me Laird MacLennan, today Lady MacLennan and I have made the holy vows of marriage to each other. Now, by both proclamation and marriage to yer lady, I am yer laird. Therefore, Lady MacLennan and I will accept yer pledges of fealty.” He reached for her hand and pulled her up to stand beside him.
    This wasn’t what Gillian expected. Of course she knew he was going to ask for their fealty, but she didn’t expect him to include her. She didn’t know what to say, so she stood beside him dumbly as each member of the clan present gave their promises of loyalty to both of them.
    It took quite a while but when everyone had spoken the words, Fingal made one last announcement. “Thank ye all for yer show of support and commitment to this clan. Now I give ye my vow that I will serve faithfully as yer laird and that I will consider the good of this clan foremost in all actions. Although I was named Fingal MacIan at birth and I will always consider Alistair MacIan my father, and Niall MacIan my brother, today I stand before ye as Fingal MacLennan, Laird of Clan MacLennan.”
    That was the last thing Gillian expected to hear and to her surprise, a deafening cheer went up. She wasn’t quite sure how he had done it, but

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