High Society

Read Online High Society by Penny Jordan - Free Book Online

Book: High Society by Penny Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Jordan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
of your hand on my butt, good and hard. You couldn’t get away with
threatening me like that now. It’s illegal to smack a child.’
    ‘But you aren’t a child; you are an adult—even if you don’t
seem to possess the ability to reason like one. And right now the best way, in
fact the only way I can think of letting you know how furious you have made me,
would be for me to apply the weight of my hand to that pretty little derrière of yours, until it blushes pink with shame
for you.
    ‘Can’t you see what you’re doing? You said that you didn’t want
to hurt Lucy, and yet you lied to me and to her so that you could sneak out and
meet up with her husband. What if she had been the one to see Blayne pushing you
against that wall as though he were about to take you right there and then?’
    There was no gentleness left in his voice now, and Julia
quailed beneath the savage lash of its anger.
    She was no weak-willed pushover, though, to be treated like a
child and threatened with the kind of humiliation Silas had just described.
    ‘I did not sneak out to meet Nick! I’d only just bumped into
him. He kissed me like that deliberately, because he had seen you. He’s angry
because I’ve told him I won’t sleep with him, and now he wants to hurt me and
get at you as well!’
    Her voice was trembling slightly with both indignation at
Silas’s accusation and reaction to her own mental image of his open palm,
spanking teasingly and sexily down on her bare behind whilst she tried to squirm
free. She couldn’t help feeling a little bit turned on both by the image and her
own reaction to it. There was something definitely rather naughtily delicious
about the thought of such teasing love-play. Not that she was into anything as
potentially painful as true S and M, but a little gentle game of forfeits with
the kind of ‘punishment’ that would involve her partner indulging in some
pretend bottom-spanking could be fun if she was in the right mood. And with the
right man... A man like Silas?
    Julia could feel herself starting to blush a little at the
inner excitement caused by her own thoughts, but Silas soon brought her back to
reality, insisting, ‘You claim you met Blayne by chance, and yet it was obvious
to me this morning, when you said you intended to go into town, that you were
hiding something.’
    ‘But it wasn’t a secret meeting with Nick,’ Julia
    ‘Then what was it?’ Silas challenged her.
    Julia looked down at the bags Nick had made her drop.
    ‘Shoes,’ she muttered guiltily.
    Silas looked from the carrier bags to her flushed face and then
back again.
    ‘You didn’t want me to know you intended to buy shoes ?’ he questioned, bemused.
    Julia could only shake her head. If Silas didn’t know about her
shoe addiction then she certainly wasn’t going to expose herself to his mockery
by telling him.
    ‘Come on, we’d better get back to the hotel,’ he announced,
reaching down to pick up her bags.
    Immediately Julia tried to stop him, not wanting to allow her
precious purchases out of her own control.
    ‘Julia, I’ll carry them for you,’ Silas insisted, taking hold
of her arm to hold her back so that he could pick them up, but he was gripping
her arm exactly where Nick had bruised it the previous evening, and Julia
couldn’t stop herself from giving a small, agonised gasp of pain.
    The sleeves of her tee shirt just about covered the bruise
marks—or at least they did until Silas pushed one of them up to reveal them.
    ‘Who did this?’ he demanded quietly.
    Julia didn’t even think of trying to lie.
    ‘Nick,’ she told him shakily. ‘Last night. He was furious when
I told him about you...’
    ‘So he did this to you?’
    The surge of angry protectiveness that gripped him caught him
off guard. Of course no man should hurt a woman, but he was not used to
experiencing such intense or possessive emotions.
    He looked across the square in the direction Nick

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