Her Mighty Shifter

Read Online Her Mighty Shifter by C.L. Scholey - Free Book Online

Book: Her Mighty Shifter by C.L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. Scholey
she ran her hands over his back. Her breath caught, as did his.
    She screamed when she came, and Maximus roared, the sound startling her. She’d forgotten he was a tiger. When they separated he settled her onto her feet, and she clung to him. He licked the water flowing over her. Cool wetness washed his seed from her and him. Posy went down on her knees wanting him hard again. She gripped his cock. There was no hair anywhere on him. She washed him with the water, then closed her lips over his cock. His powerful hands gripped her shoulders as he rocked in a gentle fashion. With both hands she worked his shaft in delight. He was huge and built for her.
    His massive thighs were rock hard when she took one hand to run up and down his leg. Maximus laughed when she tickled his ankle. With slow deliberation she trailed her fingers up to his ass making him wiggle.
    As he hardened she stood, wanting his thrusting inside of her, so she turned and bent over. She grinned as he chuckled. Posy screamed when she was grabbed by furry paws. Maximus had sworn he would never take her in animal form.
    He wasn’t. A giant sloth tossed her over a shoulder and swung from vines to the ground. She heard Maximus roar and watched as he shifted while he leapt from the great height to crash down onto the ground, followed by Andro. She was pulled to the chest of the huge sloth.
    “Merit, release my mate.” Maximus roared the words, and Posy slapped her hands over her ears.
    Merit shrugged and changed into his human form. He looked the same as he had on Earth, and when he spoke his words were clear and deep.
    “The little female isn’t mine. This one must be.”
    “We already mated.”
    Posy glared at Merit, balled a fist and swung, slamming into his jaw. He let her go and stumbled back.
    “Bloody hell, will everyone kindly stop kidnapping me? It’s pissing me off.”
    Maximus stayed in saber form while Andro shifted, and the three males were scowling at each other.
    “What’s going on?”
    Tac came and stood between Posy and Merit. All business, he took in the blood on Merit’s face. “Who hit you? Maximus or Andro? You know there is to be no fighting.”
    “I hit him,” Posy shouted. “He’s lucky his family jewels are intact. He grabbed me from up there.” She pointed and almost swooned for the first time really noting the distance. She flopped onto her ass.
    Tac crossed his arms over his chest. “Damn it, Merit. Stealing a mate is a huge offence. And scaring a female is reprehensible. Get your shit together. You can tell they mated. I can, so you can.”
    “Her scent is too strong not to notice,” Merit whined.
    Posy gnashed her teeth together. “So help me if one more person tells me I stink I’ll go ape shit.” She then cast a glance to the gorilla in the tree overhead. “No offence.”
    “Maximus, you can shift. There is no one who will harm your mate,” Tac said.
    “I’m kinda naked.”
    Posy shrieked, realizing the same. “ I’m naked.”
    Maximus sprang forward, and with a paw scooped her up and lunged back up into the tree house. Posy grabbed a sheet the moment he released her and wrapped it around her shoulders. She strode to the open window and gazed out. Vast beauty flowed in rainbows before her. Lavender, brilliant pinks, deep purple, and stunning ebony accented multitudes of greens and yellows. Vines hung from everywhere, dripping in color. She then gazed at the shifters wondering who else was going to try to take off with her.
    “Welcome to your new home,” Maximus said.
    She relaxed into the warmth of his broad naked back as he pressed against her. He wrapped his arms around her. They watched massive birds floating on gusts of wind. Her hair and the sheet ruffled in the breeze their long wings made.
    “Are they shifters?”
    “Yes,” Maximus said. “Many are the size of great cats. When I was a child I envied the falcon shifters. On your world the bird of prey is so much smaller. Here as you can see

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