Hearken (Daughters of the Sea Series)

Read Online Hearken (Daughters of the Sea Series) by Kristen Day - Free Book Online

Book: Hearken (Daughters of the Sea Series) by Kristen Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Day
                  “The first member of the Council to be appointed is the Chamberlain. The Chamberlain will be responsible for the financial duties related to the Order, as well as any personal financial decisions that need to be made. For the role of Chamberlain, I have chosen…”
                  Before I could continue, a stunned murmur erupted from the throngs of Tydes before me and several people up front gasped, including Willow. Her eyes were locked on something behind me. My heart began to pound as I turned to see what the interruption was. I pulled in a sharp breath when I noticed the Nereids lined up behind me watching the sand beneath them curiously. Tendrils of water began to snake their way up the beach; engulfing the bottom of their white dresses. Everyone silently followed the sea water with their eyes as it crossed the line between wet sand and dry, winding towards the small box I was standing on. The individual streams converged around the box, creating a small pool that encircled me completely.
                  With paralyzing fascination, I forgot to breathe as the sea water began to writhe and boil at my bare feet. It slowly crept higher, eventually engulfing the wooden box and the hem of my dress. Assuming the boiling sea water was all a part of the show, the throngs of Tydes erupted into cheers and applause at what they were witnessing. I fought to remain unfazed as bubbles and brine undulated around my feet and legs. A cool energy permeated the bottom of my feet, and I instantly breathed easier when I felt it climb up my legs, over my mid-section and directly into my soul. The delicate melody of the ocean’s song caressed my ears and I welcomed the sea’s energy as it infused into my own essence. 
                  As I lifted the paper once again, I noticed the lace wrapped around both of my hands had transformed into clear blue water; the aquamarine stones sending prisms of light across my skin. It was as if the sea had made a conscious decision to take control of the ceremony, along with my body, and I was left with no choice but to allow it to do so. The wide-eyed faces of shock coming from Willow, Carmen and Phoebe assured me that whatever the ocean was doing, it was truly magnificent. The beautiful song continued as I spoke without actually deciding to do so.
                  “For the role of Chamberlain,” I heard a crisp, authoritative voice - my voice - announce. “I have appointed Carmen Alvarez.”
                  My heart skipped a beat and I blinked several times at the actual name I had written on the paper beside Chamberlain. The names didn’t match! What was happening? A hush settled over the crowd and I saw Carmen’s eyes widen until they were one blink away from popping out of her head. Willow gave her a light push and Phoebe appeared to swallow. It looked as if she hadn’t managed to take a breath in the last five minutes. Her face was bright red and her mouth hung open.
                  A wobbly Carmen made her way up to stand in front of the podium. She eyed the boiling water warily and took several steps forward to remain out of its reach. Before I could figure out how this was happening, my voice decided to speak again. I tried to focus on what I was saying.
                  “The second member of the Council to be appointed is the Sage,” my dignified and hijacked voice continued. “She will be responsible for providing wisdom and direction. For the role of Sage, I have appointed Thalia, Neried of sea flowers.” I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that her name actually matched the one I’d written earlier on the card. I leaned back to observe a beaming Thalia stride out of the line of Nereids and make her way towards the podium. Despite her white traditional dress, the hints of breathtaking color provided by the multitude of flowers in her hair gave her an

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