Healed (The Found Book 3)

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Book: Healed (The Found Book 3) by Caitlyn O'Leary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary
only Sarah could give.”
    “But she trusted you? You somehow brought her to the middle of nowhere to wait for Sarah?”
    “I told you, she was an old friend of mine too. We were all in elementary school together.”
    “Not good enough,” Nate knew he was growling, but he couldn’t help it.
    “Look Nate, if I thought for an instant they were going to come to harm I would be the first one to bring in the troops, you and her brother included, but they’re not. We need to give them forty-eight more hours. Sarah needs to develop a plan and get Amy on board.”
    Nate’s back molars weren’t going to survive this, he was going to end up with dentures for sure.
    “Why didn’t you stay with them? I don’t get that, why didn’t you stay around there?”
    “I just couldn’t for two reasons, I had commitments here, and Amy wouldn’t have felt comfortable with me there. But I didn’t leave Sarah undefended.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “She’s armed.”
    “Does she even know how to use a gun?”
    “Are you kidding? Coming from that family? Of course her daddy and brothers taught little Sarah how to take care of herself. Just give her the time she asked for.”
    “Fine. But, first thing Sunday morning, I better see Sarah,” Nate turned to walk away.
    “Sarah, I’m scared to go back. Chris will convince everyone he didn’t hurt me. If I try to leave him he’ll use Jeremy as leverage in a custody case. I don’t know what to do.” It was cathartic for Amy to cry and now was a good time for it to be happening. Jeremy was in his room sleeping after a long day walking and playing in the woods.
    “Amy, we have solid evidence you’ve been beaten, and the imprints of his ring in the photos. It’s obvious he is holding something over Ed Jorrelson’s head, we need to find out what that is and get him to turn.” She needed help to find out what it was. She really needed Cyrus and Kyle. Cyrus was going to be so pissed she left the apartments in California. Then there was Kyle who was not going to believe Chris did this.
    Damn it, she did not need her brothers help. She could do this on her own. She bit her lip, damn, damn, double damn. She was being stupid. She would want them to come to her. It had always been a two way street.
    Then there was Nate. She had really come to depend on him, but it seemed like he was never there. With everything going on with the found , and all the missions he was on, she had only seen him for maybe three weeks in eight months’ time. Then she remembered when he had been in Miami and helped her from a distance. There was no denying their connection. Damn, she wanted her brothers and she wanted Nate’s help.
    “Amy, we’re going to figure this out. Your baby girl, your son and you are going to have a great life, and Chris is not going to be a part of it. You’re going to be safe. I promise.” Amy’s blue eyes were swimming with tears.
    “You can’t promise something like that. Hell Sarah, not even my parents would believe Chris beat me. He was always so perfect, like I was made of glass. You had to see it the couple of times you saw us together.”
    “Did he ever hit you before?”
    “Never. But, he was always so strict. I had to do everything so perfectly. I had to give him all of my attention. We had to be in the same room, unless I was getting something for him. He hated it when Jeremy was really young and needed my attention. That’s why he wanted me to get an abortion. He didn’t want me to have another baby and take time away from his needs.”
    The way she said needs made Sarah shudder. Something seemed off.
    “Is there anything else? Something you’re not telling me?” Sarah felt bad for probing, but she felt she had to.
    “Nothing. Nothing that matters.” Amy’s voice was a choked whisper.
    “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but you’re going to need to talk to someone.” Sarah watched as two tears twisted their way

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