
Read Online Headstrong by Meg Maguire - Free Book Online

Book: Headstrong by Meg Maguire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Maguire
up trying to keep it looking shampoo-ad silky.
    Colin smiled and disappeared.
    She padded across the apartment to the bathroom, passing Reece’s open door. She could see the corner of his made bed and wondered if he’d already left for the morning. She needed him to give her the cue when she officially overstayed her welcome. Though she wouldn’t mind putting off her departure for at least a little while—the weather looked truly nasty. She hoped her boat was in one piece.
    Rhythmic, guttural noises drifted from Reece’s room. Libby fought a brief battle between curiosity and worry—worry over whether she might be about to catch Reece in the middle of being intimate with himself. But as she framed herself in the threshold it turned out she was the one destined to indulge her pervier side.
    Reece ceased his sit-ups when he spotted her, wrapping his arms over his bent legs. His pajama-pant-clad knees obscured his bare torso, making Libby scowl internally. She wasn’t used to being affected this much by a man and was finding it extremely enjoyable. Reece’s tone when he’d said good night after the movie had been casual, if cautious, and Libby decided to push this civility as far as it would stretch.
    She set her coffee down and grasped the pull-up bar mounted on the doorframe, letting her legs go limp and dangling. “Morning, loverboy.”
    “Morning.” Reece gazed up at her then down at her mug, no particular emotion on his face. “Did you find milk?”
    Libby’s heart gave a jolt, relief he was at least pretending to not be irritated. “Yeah. You boys keep a pretty tidy fridge.” She scanned his room. Tidy also, in a bland sort of way. Plain white walls, several unpacked cardboard boxes still stacked beside the closet and no attempts at decoration anywhere to be seen. Her eyes snapped back to the bare shoulders flanking the handsome face she could have stared at all morning.
    “Do you work today?” She wasn’t sure what answer she was hoping for.
    “Yeah. I have to head out in a few minutes.”
    “What do you do, exactly?”
    “Teach tae kwon do,” he said. “Part time.”
    “That’s what you did in England too.”
    He nodded.
    “Kids or adults or…?”
    “Both,” he said. “All kids this morning. Then I get most of the afternoon off.”
    “Does it pay well?”
    He laughed as if to say “hell,no” and Libby grinned.
    “But I get keys, so it’s a free gym membership. I can use the studio whenever I want after classes are out.”
    “That’s cool. So…”
    Reece raised his eyebrows.
    Libby straightened up in the doorway. “Have you given my offer any more thought? It still stands.”
    Reece glanced at the alarm clock by his bed. He stood, and Libby enjoyed the sight of his body as he grabbed a clean white T-shirt from his dresser. Long, lean muscle and fathomless calm.
    “I don’t know.” He tugged the shirt on.
    “Well, it’s on the table. It’s good money. And I’m getting sick of acting like a normal girl, worried you’re watching me.”
    “I haven’t been.”
    “I’ve been reporting a load of bull to your father, but no photos. He’s getting impatient with me, I think. To be honest, I don’t enjoy spying.”
    “I can help you get some shots,” Libby offered. “Without spying. And you should decide soon, before he gives up on you.”
    “Can’t you find something better to do with your trust fund than play this sick little double-agent game with your daddy?” Reece asked, cold again.
    Libby gratuitously scanned his body. “I can think of several things I’d rather be doing, sure.”
    He didn’t reply, just hauled his gym bag onto his bed and removed a white tunic-style uniform and a long black belt. He tossed the dirty uniform into his hamper and replaced it with a clean one from the dresser.
    Libby eyed his belt. “Black belt.”
    “Yeah.” He didn’t look up.
    “Can I see?”
    “Sure.” He slapped it into her palm, and she unfolded the length of

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