Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune)

Read Online Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune) by Laura Day - Free Book Online

Book: Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune) by Laura Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Day
escaped and warned this Kalif guy, we may never find the virus. I wouldn’t have shot them unless I had no other option, but the stakes are too high for me to take that chance.”
    Ronnie knows that’s true, but it is still hard for her to hear. “What will the CIA do to them?”
    “Probably nothing. They have leverage with Kadar’s wife and daughter. They will pump him for everything he knows and then probably let them go after we recover the virus. Or are far enough up the chain. But, like Baltasar, they will have their hooks into him. Remember what Baltasar’s interrogator said: ‘there are many types of freedom.’”
    She nods her head in understanding, her eyes getting heavy. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but can we go to bed and just sleep?”
    “Thank God! I’m not sure I’m up for anything more,” he chuckles.
    She smiles. If she weren’t so damn sleepy she might try him, just to see if she can get him up for it. With that thought, she pulls herself from his embrace and begins to shuck her clothes as he follows suit. Even though she had a slight head start, Ryker finishes first and tumbles into the bed, Ronnie right behind him. They can brush their teeth in the morning.
    Snuggling in tight, Ronnie rolls over so Ryker can spoon up behind her, his knees tucking in behind hers, his chest snug in her back, his arms around her cupping a breast held gently in each hand. As she begins to fade into sleep she can feel Ryker’s hardness pressing tightly against her ass. “Show off,” she mumbles as she slips into darkness.

    Ronnie swims up out of the darkness of sleep, reaching behind her for Ryker. He isn’t there and her hand lands on something that crackles and feels slightly squishy. Sitting up, blinking in the bright gloom of the room, she looks at the bedside clock, its dull red numbers displaying 10:56. The late-morning sun makes her blink against the brightness, even though the drapes are pulled tightly shut. She sniffs and snacks her lips, blinking herself awake, as she looks to see what her hand touched. Lying on the bed, propped on his pillow, is a large bouquet of fresh cut flowers, wrapped in a crinkly plastic like paper and tied with a bow. She smiles and looks around the room again. “Ryker?” she calls, but no one answers. Rubbing at her face with one hand as she stretches and yawns. She listens for the shower, but the room is quiet.
    She stumbles to her feet, noticing that their clothes are missing from the floor, and enters the bathroom, scratching at herself. Where could he be?
    She is still brushing her teeth with she hears the door unlock and Ryker enters, a bag in one hand and a carton of something in the other. As the smell of food reaches her, she realizes she is ravenous. And no wonder! It has been nearly twenty-four hours since she had last eaten. She hears the thumps and bumps of Ryker setting the food down before he appears behind her.
    “It’s about time you got up,” he teases, holding her from behind and kissing her on the neck.
    She spits and rinses before turning in his arms for a proper good morning kiss. “What time did you get up?” she asks as their lips part. Ryker is showered, shaved, and neatly dressed.
    “About nine.”
    “Why didn’t you get me up?”
    “I thought I would let you sleep. It was a long day yesterday.”
    “Yes it was. But I took a nap yesterday and you didn’t.”
    Ryker shrugs. “You’re up now. I brought lunch. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”
    “Yeah, me too. I could definitely eat something,” Ronnie says with a meaningful grin.
    Ryker returns her grin and wags his finger at her, remembering the last time she said something like that they made love for the first time that night.
    “What did you bring us to eat?”
    “I know you like man’oushe so I got that. I didn’t want to experiment too much

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