Gray's Girl

Read Online Gray's Girl by Mina Carter - Free Book Online

Book: Gray's Girl by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: Erotic Romance, Sports Romance
well stopping them in their tracks. Even from across the pitch she could read his body language, protective, aggressive… Hell, he looked ready to rip the others a new one if they so much as looked at her the wrong way.
    He was amazing. She watched as he ran toward her. The awkwardness she remembered from his youth was gone. Back then he’d been clumsy, always knocking into things, as if the long arms and legs, the tall frame, belonged to someone else. Now, though, he’d grown into it. There was no ungainliness. Instead there was raw power, solid muscle, and the confidence to use it.
    Awareness filled her, a tiny frisson shivering through her from her toes all the way up through her body and stopping at some very specific places en route. Erotic images rolled through her mind as she imagined that heavily muscled body moving over her, in her… All that power bent to one purpose—pleasure.
    He reached her. Smiled. She almost melted into a puddle on the concrete underfoot. Christ, if he could do that to her with just a smile…
    “Go away!” She flapped her hands at him, keeping an eye on the irate-looking coach down the pitch. “You’ll get into trouble.”
    Sure enough, a bellow reached them. “What do you think this is, Gray? A fucking stroll in the park with your ladylove? Get back over here.”
    He grinned as he picked up the ball, then reached out for her. She didn’t get time to react as his big hand cupped her nape, and he leaned down to possess her lips in a quick, hard kiss.
    “I’ll take the rap. I’d rather be getting down and dirty with you than this anyway. Meet me in the changing rooms after practice?”
    She nodded as he released her, having to stop herself from bringing her hand up to cover her lips in wonder. How naive would that look? She couldn’t stop herself watching him as he ran off, though.
    Oh Lord, the changing rooms… She couldn’t wait.

Chapter Five
    Frankie couldn’t believe she was doing this. About to sneak into the lads’ changing room like some sort of naughty schoolgirl. The training session had long since finished and most of the players had already left, some opting to just grab their bags and head home to shower.
    The rest had filed past Frankie after showering and changing, their curious stares and polite nods the only interaction she got from them. That they’d been warned was obvious, and it deepened the warm and fuzzy feeling she had in the center of her chest.
    Gray had warned them off, staked his claim. He’d meant it. He did want more than a one-night stand.
    The door banged again and she jumped, sure that her guilt was written all over her face in red marker. The guy who came out simply nodded to her, averted his eyes, and headed on down the corridor, so studiously ignoring her that she wondered what Gray had threatened them with.
    That thought didn’t last long. As soon as she had one thought of Gray, others crowded in and took over, replaying that kiss and the one in the limo last night over and over until she was hot and bothered, squirming on the plastic fold-down seat. This area was obviously not a public one, the walls plain white and the floor mop-clean.
    At the moment, however, muddy streaks and stud made a trail from the direction of the pitch. Evidence that nearly twenty sweaty, muddy men had tracked through with little on their mind other than a hot shower and easing their bruises. She remembered the drill from when Damon and Gray had played in their local team as young teenagers and smiled. As much as things changed, they remained the same.
    Like the devil, thinking of her brother made him appear. His face split into a wide grin as he saw her sitting there, her hands under her backside to stop her fidgeting.
    “Hey, Frankie, wanting a lift home?”
    Here it was. Crunch time.
    “Actually no, I’m waiting for Leighton.”
    “Ohhhh, Leighton, is it? Giving him his Sunday name. Must be love.”

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