Good Girl (Playroom)

Read Online Good Girl (Playroom) by Erica Chilson - Free Book Online

Book: Good Girl (Playroom) by Erica Chilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Chilson
was a turning po int in your life. You have freewill, and you failed to use it properly.” Mr. Kline sounds disappointed in me and it twists my heart.
    “I don’t understand, ” I say, trying not cry.
    “ I know, and that’s the problem,” Mr. Kline sadly murmurs.
    “I can’t help what I don’t know, Auggie. I’m sick of being called stupid.” I can’t hold back the tears that have threatened me all evening. Happy birthday, Willow, you stupid, ignorant bitch!
    “ I don’t blame you for anything you haven’t learned, Willow. I’m disappointed in the things that you do know and ignore. That is the difference. And I don’t think you’re stupid. I think you’re highly intelligent, but young and naïve. You need to live and learn, that’s all,” Mr. Kline whispers in the dark truck cab, but his disappointment makes it sound deafening.
    Mr. Kline hands me a hanky and holds my hand for a second before releasing it. He sighs heavily while I wipe the tears away that I didn’t think he could see in the dark.
    “ You believe that the decision was taken out of your hands because Essie invited Kieren. But instead of saying no, you sat on his lap and went to dinner. At the diner you could have called it off, and yet, you didn’t. You then rode to the club, which was another mistake, and still you didn’t say no. I don’t mean to Kieren, I mean in general. You made another poor judgment call by using a fake ID to get into the Playroom . It’s not twenty-one and over because of alcohol. It’s because of the Playroom in the back. You put yourself at risk by being around Kieren. You put the club at risk when you and Essie entered. Kieren is allowed there since he is invited. Technically, you are allowed there because of me. I knew you were there because Jeff, the guy at the front door, called me and said I had a pet wandering in the club. He wouldn’t have allowed you in otherwise, because no way in hell will you ever pass for twenty-one. You don’t pass for fifteen. Choices, Willow, it’s all about your poor choices. You can’t blame them on anyone but yourself.”
    “You’re right,” I sniffle.
    “Let’s record that for later playback,” Mr. Kline teases. “Ah- the fucking incident with the playroom is all my fault- fuck!” He pounds the steering wheel out of frustration. “I didn’t think you’d find it. I thought you’d dance and get drunk like every idiot teenager on the planet. But, no, my Monster finds a sex den and watches in enthrallment. I saw your face, Willow, there is no hiding that visceral reaction. Isis said she had to slap sense into you and Rob was in hysterics. He actually punched me,” Auggie says in mystification.
    “I’m sorry,” I whisper again. “You didn’t hit Robbie back did you? He isn’t as big as you.”
    “Oh, I know h ow much damage Rob can take,” Auggie laughs. “No, I didn’t hit Rob. He was defending the honor of his sister. I would have been disappointed in him if he hadn’t punched me. Robin was upset about the collar and you being in the Playroom.”
    “I’m not sorry about the Playroom,” I defiantly say. “I liked it in there. I’m sorry about everything else, though.”
    “I know, and I am, too. But if Malcolm is finally able to get through to Kieren, it will be worth it. It’s a third your fault and two-thirds mine. I’m not placing blame on Kieren’s shoulders, with the exception of him trying to force you. Everything else is on you and me.”
    “It makes sense when you say it. It never felt right tonight. When I saw Kieren, I thought of your warning. All night I kept thinking to myself ‘Mr. Kline is right. Always listen to Mr. Kline.’ I wasn’t even comfortable going out with Essie. I had a niggling suspicion because she wouldn’t tell me what we were doing. I went along with it because I felt bad that Robbie missed my birthday and my parents got me a car I didn’t deserve. Nothing felt right until-”
    “Until what?” Mr.

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