Gone Missing

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Book: Gone Missing by Camy Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camy Tang
on.” He grabbed his cell phone. He had to plant it quickly before their pursuers got within sight of the restaurant.
    They climbed over the low brick wall separating the two parking areas and walked halfway down the lot, where Clay dropped his phone on the ground. He was about to walk away when Joslyn said, “Wait.”
    She pulled out one of the burner cell phones she’d bought. She dialed, then answered on her cell phone and kept the call open. She put her phone on speaker, then dimmed the screen so it wouldn’t be easily seen in the darkening twilight and slid it under a car parked near where Clay had dropped his cell phone. She held up the burner phone. “We can listen in when the men get near enough.”
    â€œThat’s brilliant.” He grinned.
    They scurried to hide behind some cars against the back wall of the parking lot where they wouldn’t be seen. Clay made sure he could see the restaurant’s front door, so he could see who was coming and going. Their hiding spot smelled like mold, and faintly of urine, but it was also shadowed. Unless someone was specifically looking to find them, they wouldn’t be noticed.
    â€œWhat made you choose this parking lot?” Joslyn whispered.
    â€œI didn’t want anyone getting hurt by those guys. They won’t try anything dangerous here.” He gestured with his head toward the restaurant. “Those big guys over there? Mexican gang members. Our friends will think twice before they cause a scene.” At least, he was reasonably sure about that. He’d worked with enough criminals to know that the two men would spot the gang members immediately.
    They didn’t have long to wait. A white Taurus slid slowly into the parking lot. Unfortunately, they parked on the opposite side from where Clay and Joslyn were hiding.
    Clay angled himself but couldn’t get a good view of their car, so he darted behind the next car parked along the wall. He saw the two men walking toward the restaurant. They eyed the Mexican gang members loitering outside warily, and received sharp looks in return, but were allowed to enter the restaurant.
    Here was his chance. Clay made his way across the parking lot, darting between cars on a convoluted path so he could keep out of sight of the gang members near the restaurant, until he could get a clear shot of the men’s car. Luckily, it stuck out since it was parked near a black SUV and a souped-up pickup truck. He memorized the license-plate number, then made his way back to where Joslyn was hiding. He was halfway there when one of the gang members spoke.
    â€œEh, Manny,
?” His voice carried clearly across the parking lot.
    Clay froze automatically, his heart racing. He didn’t speak Spanish and wasn’t certain what the gang member had said. Then he replayed the words in his head. It sounded as if maybe the guy was only asking for a cigarette, not something like, “Hey, did you see that gringo sneaking across the parking lot?”
    He ducked behind the car where Joslyn was crouched. “Here’s the license-plate number.” He rattled it off to her, and she nodded and repeated it as she memorized it.
    Only a few minutes passed before the two men walked out of the restaurant again, their expressions dark. One of them pulled out his cell phone and began walking around the parking lot, holding it out and looking at it.
    â€œHe’s finding the signal from our cell phones,” Joslyn whispered.
    The other man, however, rather than walking with him, went around to the other side of the parking lot.
    â€œWhat’s he doing?” Joslyn whispered.
    â€œLooks like he’s searching for our car.” Clay began to regret he hadn’t parked farther away than the next parking lot. If they found Joslyn’s rental car, they’d know Clay and Joslyn were nearby.
    Joslyn quietly crept to the edge of the car, then darted behind the next one. She

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