Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)
Valentina daily placed wild flowers near her bed.
    It was still dark when Valentina buttoned her white blouse and pulled on her green velvet jacket. By the light from the outer room, she could see that her mother was still sleeping. She was relieved. Valentina knew her mother would worry when she discovered that she had gone to her father's mine, but she must. She wanted to stand face-to-face with Samuel Udell and have him tell her what had happened to her father.
    Pushing her foot into a pair of black riding boots, Valentina stood up and adjusted her green velvet bonnet. When the rap came on the door, she rushed to the front room, hoping her mother had not been awakened by the noise. She pulled aside the curtains to glance at the short Mexican man who waited on the steps.
    "Salamar, that will be the guide that Doctor Cline sent to take me to Father's mine. It will be up to you to convince Mother that I will be perfectly safe. I should be home within four days."
    Salamar took Valentina's hand and held it for a long, silent moment. It was as if she were in a daze, and her strange eyes appeared to see things that no one else could. Smiling slightly, she dropped Valentina's hand. "I will convince your mother that you will be safe. You are starting out on the road to your destiny."
    Valentina was accustomed to Salamar's talking in riddles, so she shrugged off her words. She glanced back at her mother for a moment, then went out the door.
    The little man removed his sombrero and bowed to her. "I am Santiago, senorita. Doctor Cline has sent me to guide you." The dark-skinned man grinned from ear to ear, and his eyes danced merrily.
    "Did Doctor Cline tell you where we are going, Santiago?" Valentina asked, warming to his open friendliness.
    "Si. I know the country where your father's mine is located like I know my mother's face, senorita. You will be safe with me looking after you." His assurance was comforting, his manner gallant.
    When Valentina and Santiago walked down the path to the front road, they passed the Lawton house. As they rounded the corner, Valentina almost collided with Prudence Lawton. The woman was peering over the rim of her glasses, striving for a better look at Santiago. Prudence gave Valentina her most disapproving glance.
    "I know what you are up to, miss. I questioned this man when he knocked at my door asking for you. Am I to understand that you are going off into the wilds with only this man for company?" Prudence asked in a horrified tone.
    "Yes, that is my intention," Valentina said, trying to step around Prudence only to have the woman grasp her arm in a viselike grip.
    "You are a foolish young woman to go off without a chaperon. I don't know how it is where you come from, but in this country a decent young girl would never go off alone with a stranger. If my brother was at home, he would heartily disapprove of your actions."
    Valentina gritted her teeth, trying to retain her temper. "I am not subject to your brother's likes and dislikes, Miss Lawton. My mother and I rent a cabin from you. That doesn't give you the right to dictate to us."
    "Well, I never!" Prudence declared with an air of indignation. "I will certainly bring pressure to bear on my brother to have you put out of our cabin. I have already spoken to him about the disrespectful way that foreign-looking housekeeper you have speaks to me. She won't even allow me to pay my respects to your mother."
    "The doctor has advised us to see that my mother has plenty of rest. He has asked that we keep her visitors to a minimum. Salamar was acting on my orders when she turned you away."
    Valentina jerked free, sweeping past the astonished Prudence Lawton. She did not look back as she made her way to the waiting buggy. Santiago had to run to catch up with her. When he reached the buggy, Valentina had already climbed in and arranged her green skirt. Santiago smiled brightly, picked up the reins, and guided the matching buckskin horses onto the

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