Gifted To The Dragon: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (The Gifted Series Book 2)

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Book: Gifted To The Dragon: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (The Gifted Series Book 2) by Amira Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain
about Jake, Emma said she wanted to learn more about me.
    "For starters, what's your Gifted power?"
    I told her it was "zapping," as people commonly referred to it, and she nodded.
    "I guessed it might be. For some reason, there seems to be far more zappers than levitators. That's why levitators are so in demand, not that zappers aren't, but...levitators are really in demand."
    Pausing, Emma lowered her gaze to her plate. "Which is part of the reason I turned out to be such a huge disappointment. Did the agents who brought you here happen to say anything about me? One of them, a lady named Angela, told the last Gifted who was brought in that she tried to have the government not only suspend my pay, but make me pay back everything I've already been given. Never mind that it would leave me and my one-year-old on the streets."
    I shifted on my bar stool a bit uncomfortably, not wanting to upset Emma by telling her that Angela still had it in for her.
    "Well...your name came up in the elevator. The male agent, whose name I never did learn, just basically talked about how you're the unofficial 'welcoming committee' here. Then there was maybe just a little talk about how you've had some sort of difficulty as a Gifted."
    With a breadstick halfway to her mouth, Emma paused, sighing. "Yeah. 'Difficulty.' The truth is that I'm the only Gifted around here who absolutely sucks at being a Gifted."  
       "Well, how so? I mean, what exactly is the problem? I didn't know anyone could really suck at being a gifted. I thought a Gifted was just a Gifted."
    Emma washed down a bite of breadstick with a sip of iced tea, then set the glass on the table.
    "Well...not really. Yes, most Gifteds generally attain a similar level of skill and competency with practice, though some are maybe just slightly less competent, and some become very, very skilled compared to others. Then, some of us, specifically me, just suck. See, there are regular Gifteds, and latent Gifteds, but I may be the first ever 'faux’ Gifted.”
    Extremely intrigued, I stopped cutting at my lasagna and set my fork down.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Well, to make a very long story short, when my power first manifested right after I became pregnant, it came pretty easily to me, for the whole hour or two that I did it anyway, but that was long enough for someone in my town to get some really good video footage to send to the feds in order to collect a cash reward.
    “But, then...well...something happened, and to make a long story short, I wasn't able to levitate anymore once I got here. I tried and tried and tried...for months...sometimes levitating things a few feet for mere seconds...but it just really wasn't happening. My friend, Eric, says he thinks it's some sort of a mental block or something. At any rate, I really don't even bother to try to practice anymore. Which has sort of set me apart from all the other Gifteds in a funny way.
    “I'm friends with many of them, and I think they all generally like me well enough, but I don't practice with them. I don't fight with them. I'm not one of them. I'm just a girl still getting a paycheck for the inconvenience of having been relocated for nothing, basically."
    Suddenly lifting her glass of iced tea, Emma suddenly switched gears. "Anyway. I still want to find out more about you . Tell me about your hometown, your family, what you were doing before you came here...all that good stuff."
    While we finished our lunch, I did, telling her a bit about Quincy, my grandma, and my career as a gymnastics coach. Emma listened attentively, asking a few questions here and there, but then we both fell silent briefly when we started in on tall squares of tiramisu for dessert. Normally, I might have been too stuffed by the large meal to indulge, but pregnancy had already seemed to increase my appetite.
    After a few small bites, Emma set her fork down, saying it was delicious, but she'd

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