Getting Lucky (A Lucky Novella)

Read Online Getting Lucky (A Lucky Novella) by Karina Gioertz - Free Book Online

Book: Getting Lucky (A Lucky Novella) by Karina Gioertz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Gioertz
ooh and ah over really appealed to me in the moment. I knew this particular scenario would be somewhat hard to accomplish given how long we had lived together previously and the many different occasions and wardrobe changes and hair style make overs Noah had witnessed over the years, but I was going to give it my best shot anyway. Maybe things had changed enough between us for him to see me in a whole new light. How did that song go again? Every time is like the first time? It was a stretch, but then most fantasies are. That’s what makes them so appealing.
    The good news was that with no friends and nothing much to do, I had spent a lot of my time in the first few weeks after moving here wandering the halls of the mall. There had been something comforting about the experience. Maybe because no matter where you go or how big or small the mall is, the feeling is the same when you walk in. The hustle and bustle of masses of people moving past you as you try to follow the stream of traffic. The distinct scent of the food court that carries through the open spaces and being greeted by the same storefront banners reminds you that everything can be familiar if you look close enough.
    Anyway, while making my countless trips to walk and people watch while still in the comforts of the one thing that reminded me of home, I did a great deal of shopping, too. It seemed sort of futile not to purchase anything the more I walked past the display windows and found tons and tons of amazing new stuff. I realized a little too late that I was really just trying to fill the empty void in my heart with things that lacked the depth required to fill it, but in the meantime, I scored some gorgeous new clothes, some of which would come in handy right now.
    I chose a strapless fuchsia dress with an umpire waist. Its lovely structure lent itself nicely to showing off my new and improved body. Exercising had been another way to pass the time. To add a little bit of flash, I tied a silver metallic belt high around my waist line and paired the ensemble with matching silver peep toe heals. I had bought the shoes specifically for this dress just because the sole consisted of a deep pink that matched the hue of the dress completely.
    Once I was dressed, I moved on to doing my make-up, which was still as much of a struggle as it ever had been. Determined to make it all come together, I did my best to create a smoky eye job I had seen done in a magazine and added a rose tinted lip balm, mostly because nothing else had survived the move and it was either that or just straight up chapstick.
    For my hair I decided to get a little bit more creative. I had seen some of my students wear different variations of the pompadour pony tails and had been tempted for quite some time to give it a go myself. My favorite had entailed a French-braided section on top instead of the traditional pouf and I was fairly confident I’d be able to make that happen. And I was right. I couldn’t feel my arms by the time I was done because they had gone numb from holding them over my head for such an extended period of time, but the result had been more than worth it. My hair looked, well, awesome! With my ears exposed and shoulders bare, I reached for the longest, dangliest and most sparkly ear rings I owned and hooked them into my lobes. Feeling still lightly unfinished I slid a silver cuff bracelet over my left wrist and added a simple silver ring to my right index finger. Closing my eyes and holding my breath I stumbled a few steps over until I was standing within the general vicinity of my full length mirror. Now there was nothing left to do but look.
    I exhaled and peered up at my own reflection. Then I smiled. It had all come together exactly as I had imaged it. In all the years I had planned the perfect ensemble in my head and then tried to apply it to reality that had never happened!
    After taking several more peeks at myself in the mirror and examining the various angles from

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