Fortunes Obsession

Read Online Fortunes Obsession by Jerome Reyer - Free Book Online

Book: Fortunes Obsession by Jerome Reyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerome Reyer
out of hand.  The minute the cat was away, the mouse would play.  He would teach her.  Before he cut her loose, he would find a way to punish her.  He had a key to her apartment and he could get back many of the expensive possessions she had gained through her association with him. The Porsche was
    leased by Trans-Orient Silks and could be taken back at any time.
    If she was doing what he suspected, she deserved more than financial punishment.  Time would tell.
         Dara and Peter arrived at Peter's apartment. Dara had changed to jeans and a sweater and carried a small overnight bag. Peter showed her around his apartment proudly,  showing her artifacts picked up on various trips and explaining them at length.
    She admired his taste and thought that the apartment was exceptionally neat for the residence of a single man with no servants.  His taste in decoration was exquisite.  She thought that she could easily live here.
         " I've been saving this for last", Peter said, " This room is my studio and my favorite hobby is photography.  Look on the walls and you'll see some of my best work.  I'm going to change into jeans.  I'll be back before you know it".  He kissed her gently on the lips and left the room.
         She walked around the room and marveled at his beautiful work. His composition and subject matter were professional.  It was a full five minutes before she got to the cork wall.  A chill went through her.  There, before her very eyes were four pictures of a group of people on a park bench.  At the very left in each picture, was the unmistakable presence of Ibrahim Fahd.  She felt faint and sick to her stomach.  She had the feeling of being in the middle of a strange nightmare; one that played over and over.  She sat down on a leather chair and visibly slumped. At that moment, Peter
    entered the room.
         " What's the matter, honey, are you sick? You look pale as a ghost."
          Her eyes were fixed on the cork wall.  " I want you to tell me about those four pictures."
         " Funny you should ask. Before you came into my life, those pictures were my obsession."
         He then proceeded to tell her the whole story, starting with his trip to the park and including his futile meeting with the police.  He told her how he had lost sleep over this situation for weeks and how he still believed that something sinister was going on.
         She walked over to him and put her arms around him. " Peter, I don't want to lose you.  You're the best thing that ever happened to me..........but............there are things you have to know about me......right now.  Pour us a drink and come in the living room and sit down.  We have to have a serious talk."
        " What you don't understand", he said sincerely, " Is that anything that happened up until the moment I met you means nothing to me and what's more, I don't want to hear about it."
         " don't understand. This is far more serious than you me. Please, come in and sit down."
         Fahd was beside himself with rage and bored by being trapped for several days here in Detroit.  He felt helpless and out of control.  He dialed Mustafa's home phone number.
         "  Mustafa, I am so sorry to bother you in the evening but I have something very important for you to do.  I want you to go to Dara' apartment building and talk to your friends, the doormen.
    I want you to find out if anyone has visited her and if she left with anyone.  Find out everything you can."
         Mustafa, ever the obedient servant, promised to get back to him as soon as possible.  He was apologetic, informing Fahd that there was a new night doorman whom he did not know but that he would check with the day people the next day.
         " That is fine, my good friend, just make sure

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