For Nick

Read Online For Nick by Taylor Dean - Free Book Online

Book: For Nick by Taylor Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Dean
they found Robert waiting on the front steps.
    “He insisted on coming and witnessing the event,” Zach told her apologetically.
    They were getting married with no fanfare and no guests, just the two of them, which suited her just fine. They waited nervously for the judge to make his appearance, hands clasped together. Robert gave them dirty looks at the show of affection, while at the same time occasionally snapping pictures of them. “Is this for evidence, Zach?” she whispered so that Robert couldn’t hear.
    “How can you say such a thing? I’m sure Robert wants these pictures for sentimental reasons,” Zach whispered back and they both laughed under their breath, making Robert scowl.
    Soon they stood before the judge. He had them face one another and hold hands as he married them in a solemn manner. Their eyes held each other’s and neither one of them looked away for even a second. They both whispered their “I do’s” befitting the sacredness of the occasion. Then when he pronounced them man and wife and told Zach he could now kiss the bride, Zach didn’t immediately move. He looked into her eyes for several heart-pounding moments before slowly moving in and pressing his lips to hers, softly, tenderly, and sweetly. Andie had expected a quick peck, but Zach held the kiss for much longer than expected, sealing their vows with a surprisingly heartfelt kiss. As he backed away, their eyes opened, locked on each other. She could feel the palpable bond between them, one that she felt keenly. They were now husband and wife, always and forever inextricably bound to one another because of this act, no matter what the future held. Their lives would always be intertwined. Years from now, after they’d gone their separate ways, they might run into one another on the street and smile fondly at the memories they shared of their year together.
    She hoped so. She hoped the memories would be good and happy. Hopefully, neither one of them would be bitter or angry in the end. It was a sobering thought.
    Robert interrupted to congratulate them and asked to speak to Zach privately for a moment. Andie waited patiently, her roses back in her hands, wondering what had just happened between them or if she was just imagining things. Of course they were filled with emotion; they’d just been joined in the sacred bonds of matrimony. She looked up to find Zach with a serious expression on his face as he nodded on occasion at Robert’s words. He glanced her way and smiled, a huge smile, and she smiled back. Then he held up his hand and opened and closed it several times to indicate a mouth that won’t stop talking. Andie laughed and Robert, without missing a beat, reached up, grabbed Zach’s hand to stop him from mocking him, and kept right on talking. He was obviously used to Zach’s sense of humor. Zach acted as though his hand was desperately trying to escape Robert’s grasp so it could speak, and Andie wondered how she’d ever found this man intimidating.
    “Okay, okay, I got it. Can’t this wait till after my honeymoon?” Zach said as he grabbed Andie and headed for the door. “Don’t call me, I’ll call you,” he added with a wink to which Robert scowled.
    Then as they were walking out, with Robert’s frowning face behind them, Zach said, “Don’t you want to throw your bouquet?” His expression was positively mischievous. Andie giggled. Without looking, she tossed her flowers behind her. She and Zach both turned to see a red-faced Robert holding the offending bouquet in his arms.
    “Congratulations, Robert! You’re next,” Zach yelled as they ran to their car, feeling as though they were escaping a disapproving parent.
    They drove to the airport and caught their flight in record time. Once in Reno, they rented a car and made the drive into Tahoe.
    “I spent every summer of my childhood at this home. It’s a great house, you’re going to love it.”
    Andie did love it from the moment she laid eyes on it. It

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