Flames of Auriel (A Caeles Adventure Book 1)

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Book: Flames of Auriel (A Caeles Adventure Book 1) by Erin Bedford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Bedford
and a bit more like Garrett, I wouldn’t have to refer to him as such. Garrett is kind and generous, and so…” She sighed, her eyes gleaming at the thought of her bodyguard. “…charming.” Garrett had only been with them for a few days and already become enamored by him. Zoe turned accusatory eyes on Alice. “Why is it acceptable for you to say it, but I’m not. Are you not a lady as well?”
    Her nurse only rolled her eyes in response, “You only say such things about our boy Garrett because he’s the one behind all your pleasure.” She finished pinning Zoe’s flame-kissed hair up and took a step back to go over her work. “ I am a silly senile old woman and nobody cares what I say. You on the other hand have an image to maintain.”
    Zoe rolled her eyes, “And what image would that be exactly? It’s not like he hasn’t seen me every summer for the last eleven years. He’s seen me at my worst; I doubt that he will ever think any better of me now.”
    Alice ushered her to the door and tried to reassure her mistress. She wanted nothing more for the young princess than for her to be happy. “That is what we want to change. He needs to see you as the beautiful young woman you have become, not the gangly little girl with whom he grew up.” She pointed at Zoe’s chest. “No matter how much of that girl is still in there.” She looked her charge in the eyes, “He will love you and you will keep both your countries safe, and Auriel’s wrath on anyone who stands in your way.”
    Zoe gave a soft smile to her stand-in mother. She hoped she was right. Her and Asher’s relationship was anything but simple. Zoe knew that eventually one of them was going to have to take the first step in changing it, but her pride demanded she not be the one to do it.
    “Go, go. Have a wonderful dinner.”
    The princess cringed at having her betrothed and bodyguard in the same room. They had not really given a reason for his presence. Though she wanted to keep it that way, she had a feeling that Asher would not have any of it. She could only hope that he would not catch on to Garrett’s real reason behind his sudden appearance.

Chapter 6
    A dark figure stood in the shadows of the alley near the palace gates. His eyes darted back and forth as he searched for any signs of being followed. The guards would not find the body until morning, but he planned to be long gone before then.
    He pulled a dagger from his sleeve at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps. Maybe the guards found the body sooner than he thought? Poised and ready for an attack, he caught himself just as the intruder’s face came into view. Good, it was him.
    He settled his gaze on the man before him. The dark figure tried not to wince when his rough voice caused his words to come out harsher than intended.
    “Where’s my money?”
    The man before him, a small balding man with a nervous twitch beneath his left eye watched the shadows for the owner of the voice. The small man hated dealing with these kinds of things. He was sure he had lost at least a few years from the stress it had caused him. He glanced up at the cloaked figure standing in the shadows.
    “It’s done then?”
    “I wasn’t aware I needed proof.”
    The short man balked at the dark man’s response, “No, of course not.” He pulled a purse from his cloak. Handing it to him, “Here you go. One hundred gold pieces as promised.”
    The dark man weighed the purse in his hand, when satisfied with the weight he put it in his bag. “Tell the prince it was a pleasure doing business with him.”
    Already preparing to run away, the small man nodded his head up and down, “Of course. Of course. The kingdom thanks you and you will have a place here as soon as the rest of the plan is completed.” He bowed to the dark man, “Camael guide you.” When he looked back up the man was gone.
    The balding man shook his head. This was getting dangerous. He did not know what the prince was thinking.
    He had

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