Firestorm Forever: A Dragonfire Novel

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Book: Firestorm Forever: A Dragonfire Novel by Deborah Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Cooke
began to fill the Jacuzzi tub that filled one corner. Ronnie seldom used it, because it was a lot of trouble to clean, plus she didn’t often have time to luxuriate in a bath. “The shower is big enough for two,” she suggested but Drake gave her a serious glance.
    “But less satisfying than a bath,” he said firmly. “On this night, all will be satisfied.”
    Ronnie could hardly argue with that. She leaned back against the wall, content to watch him arrange details the way he wanted. He had the water running and the room filling with steam in moments. He went through her lotions and found the shower gel that she favored, nodding with approval when he sniffed it, then added a liberal amount to the running water.
    “Don’t you intend to share the bath with me?”
    “Of course.”
    “You’ll smell like a woman.”
    Drake flicked a look at her that made her blood simmer again. “I will smell like my woman,” he corrected, and clearly the prospect didn’t concern him.
    In fact, it looked as if he liked the idea as much as Ronnie did.
    When the tub was almost full and the room was wonderfully warm, Drake reached for the lights, frowning as if dissatisfied with the ambiance. There wasn’t a dimmer, so they were either on or off.
    “There are candles,” Ronnie said, guessing what he wanted. She gathered half a dozen fat candles from the cupboard and set them around the tub. She’d bought them one day at a sale, briefly entertaining the fantasy of having a romantic bath. Of course, she’d never had time—or she’d never made the time to so pamper herself. It was incredible to be savoring that bath with Drake, and she found her desire rising again as he lit the candles. He turned off the lights then, and nodded with pleasure, then glanced her way.
    Ronnie dropped her robe. Drake’s eyes glowed and she saw that he was ready for more. So was she. She took a step toward him and he met her halfway, sweeping her into his arms again.
    “You don’t have to carry me everywhere,” she chided, hearing the pleasure in her tone.
    “I like to hold you like this,” he said, suddenly solemn. “But if you dislike it, I will cease.” He was so serious, so concerned with her pleasure, that Ronnie’s heart squeezed tightly. Drake really had been worth waiting for—and was every one of her dreams come true.
    “I love it,” she admitted, once again wrapping her arms around his neck. Again, that seductive smile touched his lips. She resolved to make him smile as often as possible.
    Drake stepped over the lip and into the tub, surveying her as the water swished a bit. The candlelight was golden, much as it had been when she had seen him in the parking lot, and it made him look as if he were made of a precious metal. He held her gaze and smiled as he sank into the water, lowering them both into first the tickle of the bubbles, then the caress of hot water. Ronnie’s mouth was dry and she was tingling with anticipation of his kiss.
    When she was cradled in his lap, pressed against his erection, he kissed her with possessive ease. He held her against his chest with one arm, while the other hand slipped between her thighs to pleasure her.
    Ronnie was glad she’d waited for this bath to be the first.
    * * *
    Eileen was so keyed up after Boris’s unexpected assault that she couldn’t even sit down. She was pacing the loft, not having been particularly reassured by Erik calling her on Donovan’s phone.
    She’d heard the strain in his voice and wished he’d come home, rather than supervising the beguiling of witnesses.
    Ginger and Alex were similarly concerned, the three of them creating enough nervous energy that they could have fueled a power plant. The other two mates had arrived shortly after Erik’s departure, along with their sons, Nick, Darcy, Liam, and Sean. Eileen had been relieved to know that the other Pyr had come to assist Erik.
    The three women had swept up the broken glass together and nailed some plywood over

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