Finding Sweetness (Sweet series)

Read Online Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) by Rika Lewis - Free Book Online

Book: Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) by Rika Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rika Lewis
and pulled out an all-black Aries helmet and held it out to her. She looked puzzled…umm no thanks I can just go and buy a helmet she said shaking her head. What for you’re only going to need to use for just a few days. You said yourself that you already have a helmet that you had just forgotten to pack it. Please I insist, he stepped closer just wanting to be near her a little longer; don’t waste your money on purchasing another helmet if you already have one. She took the last few steps reaching out to accept the helmet, thank you I appreciate it. I will take good care of it and I promise return it as soon as the course is over on Sunday. I know you will, he winked his eye at her and slowly moved a stray piece of hair away from her face. Have a nice rest of the evening then he turned and walked away. Okay her instructor did not just hit on her in a sly way did he? Oh what the hell she liked it though. Smiling she turned and headed to her car.
    Chapter 4
    She was here… She was finally here. She looked around the cabin. It was just as the website described, except it was even m0re beautiful . The description given did not do it justice. She walked in the living room and took in the sight. The room consisted of warm browns and sage colors. There were four huge windows overlooking the lush green forest trails, the cream color couch and chair looked luxurious and plush. She walked out of the living room down the hall and in to the kitchen where she was greeted with a big basket of fruits and chocolates. The table it sat on was brown marble and yes of course granite; it also could seat 6 people at a time. The stove, dishwasher, sink and refrigerator were all stainless steel; she shook her head and imaged what it would be like to wake up here every morning? Just the feel of the cabin made her feel at home, she giggled… that’s the point silly, she said out loud “duh,” she went down a long hall to the bed rooms and picked into each one. The master bedroom was gorgeous…there were two huge windows on each side of her huge mahogany four poster bed. There was a fire place made of white marble granite in cased in mahogany wood, the floors were also mahogany wood as it was throughout the entire cabin. She picked up the remote on the bed and pressed a button, the blinds automatically came down nice and smooth. She pressed another and the fire place came on.   There were also other buttons for the TV and the lights. There looked to be a mini bar off to the side, as well as a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall. She walked into the bathroom and was amazed as well. This was all too much. She didn’t know how to act. She wanted to run all over the house and scream from room to room because of how excited she was. Instead she picked up the phone and called her two best friends Kim and Azari and let them know she had made and how beautiful the cabin was. Damn girl we should have come with you said Kim, how many bedrooms do you have Three? Azari, what’s your schedule looking like? I’m free for about a week in three days. Oh hell yea me too. My kids go out for spring break; all I would be doing is grading school papers anyways, so I am in on that! Teachers need to have some fun too! Wait, wait, wait, a minute I didn’t ask you two heifa’s to join me Yaz said in the most southern drawl she could spit out. I came here to do the three R’s… rest, relax, and recuperate before I have to go back to my dry, boring, sexless, chaotic life! Her friends laughed at her.  You’ll have one week to yourself before we get there chica, you know you want us there. We can check out the local shops and take in the sites. Hell maybe we’ll get lucky Azari said; and find some local cowboys to ride! OMG! That is not what I came here to do giggled Yaz through the phone. Oh please don’t act like you don’t believe in save horse ride a cowboy Kim hollered! Listen Yaz you may still be a virgin but you have read enough of Zane, JR

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