Final Ride Fallen Angel's MC 4

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Book: Final Ride Fallen Angel's MC 4 by Erin Trejo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Trejo
Does she not feel this? Is it not
the same for her?
    “A bite mark? Really Ryker?” Her voice has calmed as I feel the
cool liquid touch my skin. Gently, she cleans my hand, and I let
“He wouldn’t shut up.” Her soft giggle ignites a need inside of
me, a feral and all-consuming need for her.
    Opening my eyes, I turn my head slightly to watch her work. She
cleans me, dresses the wounds. I can see so much caring in her
eyes. Could it be that she is really that much in love with me,
that she would get jealous?
    Pulling my hand from hers, I reach over and pull her around the
waist, until she lays on top of me.
“Do you not feel it Jersey? Do you really not know how much I
fuckin’ love you?” Gripping her face in my hands, I force her to
look at me.
    “Sometimes I don’t know why you would want me. I can see the
other girls around here. They are so perfect, and I’m just me.
Used, and tossed away.” Dropping my hands from her face, I
slowly slide her off of me.
    “Jersey, I can be carin’. I can be gentle, calm, hell, I can even be
romantic if I want to be. The one thing I can’t be, is doubted. If
you fuckin’ doubt my love for you darlin’, there is nothin’ else I
can do. I kiss you; I tell you I love you. I goddamn hold you all
the time. I married you. TWICE!” Holding up two fingers, I need
her to understand this.
    “We have a daughter for fucks sake! Figure it out woman!”
Standing up, I storm out of the room. I need a goddamn break,
and I just came home.
    Chapter 21
    I watch Ryker storming from the side door with a pissed off look
on his face before Jersey comes out of the room. I know this shit
is hard on all the girls. This life isn’t for everybody.
“Want to talk about it?” Jersey looks up at me before shaking
her head. I can see she’s hurting.
    “He loves you sweetheart. Stop doubtin’ it. You’re only hurtin’
yourself.” Patting her on the shoulder, I turn and head back to
the main room.
    “What the fuck is that ?” Pointing at some kind of game machine
Joey and Bo are dragging through the door, I don’t know if I
really want the answer to that.
“Pinball. Got a good fuckin’ deal on it.” Closing my eyes, I have
no words for those two.
“What are you doin’ with it exactly?” Joey sets his end down
before wiping the sweat from his forehead.
“Hookin’ it up, Tank. What the hell did you think I was doin’ with
it?” Bo chuckles before I cut my eyes at him.
    “You two need to grow the fuck up.” Shaking my head, I can’t
believe they bought a pinball machine. On second thought, it is Joey.
    Walking around the main room, it’s loud. Too loud. I know its
party night, but fuck if I’m not getting too old for this shit. I miss
the quietness.
“You ok?” Cher wraps her arms around my waist. Grabbing her
hands in mine, I hold them tightly.
“Take a walk with me, sweetheart.” Cher lets go before moving
in front of me leading me toward the door.
Stepping outside, I take a deep breath of the cool air.
    “I always loved the cool nights you know? It was somethin’
peaceful.” We walk toward the edge of the tree line before I
lean against a huge tree, crossing my arms over my chest.
    “What’s wrong Tank?” I look down before my eyes come back
to rest on hers.
“I feel like the family aspect of this club is comin’ apart, Cher.
We got old lady’s shootin’ at each other. Guys not payin’
attention to them. I know we’re all tryin’ here, but fuck. Jada is
pissed all the time. It stresses Creed out. I try to pick up his load
when that shit happens. Ryker is so fucked in his head. The
motherfucker threw a finger at me.” Cher’s face scrunches up
when I say that but hell, the man is gone.
    “That’s life. You know as well as I do that nothing works out
perfectly. I think with all things considered, we are doing a
pretty good job.” Nodding slightly, she may be right.
    “I just feel like I’m gettin’ lost

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