Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance

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Book: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance by Sierra Darcey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Darcey
Beach they were able to be themselves, display affection whenever they felt like it and spend all their free time together as a couple. They tried all sorts of touristy things, like the sky wheel and parasailing. But mostly they just enjoyed spending their time going out for romantic dinners and walking hand in hand on the boardwalk. 
         Conveniently the condos the company provided were side by side, but the two of them ended up staying together in Marcus’. Technically it was not living together she still had her own place, but going to sleep each night in his arms and waking up with him each morning, felt a lot like it to Cherilyn.
         Since arriving in Myrtle Beach, she had noticed Marcus texting several times and he would never say who it was to or from. She didn’t want to pry, but found his behavior odd. Also, he took some of his cell phone calls in private. She got calls from her girlfriends but never felt the need to leave the room and if she got a text would always say who it was from. Marcus was a little less open than her and she wondered if she should be worried. They had never actually ‘defined the relationship’ nor agreed to exclusivity, yet to her it was understood. She was in love and though neither of them had said that to each other she wouldn’t even think of dating anyone else.
         Did n’t Marcus feel the same?
         Not wanting to come off like a shrew, she decided it was best not to be invasive and questioning, if he wanted a little privacy, so what?  Tonight Marcus was taking her to a local restaurant he attractively described as ‘a little hole in the wall’.
         When they arrived at the restaurant and got out of the car, it looked like such a rundown place Cherilyn thought Marcus was crazy. But once inside, the atmosphere, the people, the music, everything about the place charmed her.
         A blues band was playing a jazz tune and the waitress who took their order was funny and friendly. Marcus and Cherry sat near the dance floor, and with Marcus tapping his feet and playing imaginary instruments, it was obvious he really loved the music. Glancing about she noticed throughout the place the tables and chairs were all of varying sizes and shapes and nothing seemed to match, but none of that mattered.
         Once the food arrived Cherry really understood why Marcus liked this place. They shared an appetizer of crab cakes. “Mmm, this is great.”
         “ None finer.” Marcus agreed. “But my mother also makes great crab cakes.”
         The waitress brought out the rest of their food. Cherry had the Hoppin’ John and cornbread while Marcus had the macaroni and cheese with okra and tomatoes.
         Marcus paused and took a deep breath, “Man, I could get used to this.”
         When they finished eating Cherilyn felt full but Marcus talked her into sharing a piece of peach cobbler, which she was glad she did. It was delicious.
         Cherilyn leaned back and smiled. “We’re going to need to work off these calories.”
         “I know a few ways. C’mon.” Marcus pulled her to the dance floor. Cherry s lipped off her shoes and danced barefoot. She held her body tight against Marcus, but with the dance floor was so crowded she didn’t think anyone would even take notice of them. Swaying in time with the music, their movements were slow and sexy, still Cherry didn’t feel at all embarrassed. The room was hot and sweaty, but she loved being this close to Marcus and the earthy scent of him.
         Marcus smiled at her. “Woman, you could make a man leave everything behind and go halfway around the world just to be with you.”
         Cherry smirked, “ Only halfway?”
         Marcus l aughed, “Anywhere for you, baby.”
         Their bodies pressed tightly together shifting to the rhythm of the music, Marcus felt Cherry grinding her pelvis against him. “Keep that up and we’ll have to leave in a

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