Feel (Sovereign Book 3)
replied. Our tongues dueled as his hand dipped between my legs and started a torturous dance on my clit.
    Never one to be outdone, I tangled my fingers into his wet hair and held him in place while reaching behind my back and wrapping my fist around his cock, stroking up and down ever so slowly.
    “You’re a tease,” he groaned, dragging his teeth against my bottom lip before he buried his face in my neck and nipped the skin, causing my head to fall to the side and grant him access.
    My movements sped up, and I flexed my fingers on every downward jerk, relishing in the growls escaping his mouth and vibrating against me.
    “I need to be inside you, Mrs. Lucas,” he murmured as he sucked my earlobe between his lips and sent an electric jolt coursing through me. 
    Without letting go of his cock, I turned around to face him and rose up on my toes to kiss his lips. Never looking away, I watched in fascinated wonder as I pleasured him, loving the heated gaze directed at me. “I think I need you inside me too, Mr. Lucas.”
    “Thank fuck for that,” he spat out as he wrapped his arms around my hips, gripped my ass and lifted me up. My legs hooked around his back as he walked me towards the shower wall. Leaning back against the tile I guided him to my entrance and moaned loudly when he thrust up at the same as time I dropped down.
    “Fucking perfect,” he said against my lips, and he wasn’t far wrong.

    Fifteen months ago, I never would’ve imagined I would end up Mrs. Mark Barrett Lucas.
    Everything we’d fought for and lived through—those we’d loved and lost, the pain, the tears, the broken hearts—all of it had led to the moment earlier that day when we were pronounced man and wife. 
    We had a bright future laid out before us, and we were excited to move forward with our lives. Five months later, we celebrated our journey when—with my husband at my side—I welcomed our son, Dillon Mark Lucas, into the world.
    The End

    Coming Soon
    Engage – Aiden Lawrence’s Story
    Continue reading for an exclusive excerpt from the first book in BJ’s hot new romantic comedy series

Game Player (The Game #1)
    “When playing the player becomes more than a game”
    From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss books comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss characters who are yet to meet their match.
    Matt Taylor’s motto:
    “I’m the king of the cut ‘n’ run. I wine them, dine them, then slide inside them, making sure I get up, get dressed and get out before they can even utter the words “second date.”
    Mia Roberts’ motto:
    “I’m queen of the chase. I meet them, greet them, date them and leave them. A social butterfly, I’m happily single and happy to stay that way.”
    The players have been found.
    The challenge has been set.
    Whatever happens, they’ll soon find out that playing the game can get you played in the best possible way.

Exclusive Extract from Game Player
    Prologue – Two Years Earlier
    You know how they say weddings make single women desperate? I have to confess to committing the ultimate wedding cliché.
    In my case, seeing so many hot men in tailored suits—my kryptonite—left me helpless to my out-of-control libido. This led me to make sexy eyes at Matt "Man-whore" Taylor all day—and night. First there was the ceremony where I stood opposite him while we watched my sister marry his brother. Then the reception at the posh country club where he gave a rousing best man speech full of sexy grins and smiles, quips and stories.
    I was a victim of his charm and had consumed too much champagne, along with the mandatory pre-wedding tequila shot, to defend myself against him.
    So I didn't. I was a single, partially drunk woman who had an itch and wanted it scratched. Therefore, when I had the chance—and with everyone else dancing and drinking—I snuck out of the reception hall and made my way toward the

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