Fates Tied

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Book: Fates Tied by Jack Wildman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Wildman
a warm yellow glow and Edward opened the door fully to let Suzanne through.
    She walked in slowly, meekly, with her hands clutching her bag in front of her. Edward followed her, eyes locked on her slim figure as he shut the door. He stood there for a moment, watching her and leaning against the door. She turned to him and smiled. That was all he needed. He stepped forward quickly, his long legs easily covering the ground and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her to him firmly and covered her mouth with his.
    She dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around him, her hands rushing up to bury themselves in his hair once more. The bag thudded to the floor heavily and the room was filled only with gasps and moans and the wet sound of kissing.
    Suzanne’s hands danced across Edward’s front, undoing the buttons of his shirt, his waistcoat, confidently tugging his tie down even as their mouths remained locked together. Edward shoved his jacket from her shoulders and ran his hands up and down the bare skin of her back. He pulled her against him, hard, making her throw her head back and moan softly as she felt the evidence of his arousal against her stomach. He attached his mouth to her neck, gently walking her backwards across the room until she felt the bed against the back of her knees. She fell back on to it, bouncing in the sumptuous quilt and then began to shuffle further up the bed.
    Edward grinned and knelt on the foot of the bed, crawling towards her. She smiled and lifted one leg, the skirts of her dress falling back to reveal long slim muscles clad in smooth creamy skin. She pressed her heel against his shoulder, holding him in place. He grinned again and began to pull of her shoes. He ran his hands up her legs, making her giggle and moan as he found sensitive spots that set her heart racing. He surged forward, covering her body with his and began to push her dress up.
    Suzanne pushed him away, sitting up and kissing him again as she pulled off his shirt, trapping his arms and revealing the broad muscles of his chest with their covering of downy hair. She leaned forward, tracing his muscles with her lips, her teeth, her tongue.
    He shivered and moaned as she sucked at one of his nipples and then he fought with his clothes, tearing them off before pushing her back and laying on top of her once more. Suzanne giggled and then moaned as he kissed her deeply, his hands once more tugging at her dress.
    She could feel his arousal, the hard solid ridge of his cock pressing against her and her hips began to move and flex against him. Edward groaned, pulling back to undo his trousers and push them down. Suzanne twisted and turned, pulling at the dress’s clasps and zips until finally she got it off. She laughed again as Edward was forced to sit back and pull off his socks.
    When he turned back to her the breath left his body in a shuddering pant of desire, she lay there clad only in delicate bits of lace, her hair spread out across the pillows. He groaned, ripped off his boxers and threw himself on top of her again. He couldn’t wait, he had to have her. Suzanne didn’t fight him, she lay back, her hands running across every patch of skin that she could reach.
    She grasped the firm muscles of his buttocks in her hands and pulled him against her, kissing him hard and moaning. She threw back her head as Edward tugged off her underwear and then gasped in surprise and pleasure as, without warning, Edward thrust himself inside her.
    They moved together as one, their bodies bending and flexing. Suzanne moaned out her pleasure as she felt him thrusting against her, inside her, every movement sending sparks of desire running through her. Her nails dug into his back as her pleasure grew, she began to whimper, her entire body shaking. She had never felt anything like it, even with her ex-husband, and she began to cry out as the pressure inside her grew higher and higher, reaching for release. Edward covered her mouth with his, kissing

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