EMMA (Mail-Order Brides Club, #1)
    E than was quiet, as usual, on the drive home. It wasn't that late yet, so Emily was still wide awake and chattered non-stop the whole way. Emma was glad for her bubbly conversation. It helped keep her mind off Ethan's grumpiness. He'd fallen into these moods lately, usually right after they'd had a great time together. It would seem like they were growing closer and then he'd shut down. Once again, Emma was feeling frustrated.
    They went inside and fell into their usual routine. Emma helped Emily get ready for bed and once she was in her pajamas, she climbed into her father's lap and he read to her until she fell asleep soon after. While he was tucking her into bed, Emma went into her own room and, feeling restless, decided to take her hair down. She usually did this right before bed, brushing her hair thoroughly until it was tangle free and soft before she climbed under the covers. Ethan had never really seen her hair the way it looked before she went to bed and she wanted him to see her. Really see her. Slowly, she undid the braid that she wore every day. She always kept her hair in a long French braid. It was out of her face that way and she didn't have to worry about it. After she brushed through her hair, she walked back into the main room. Ethan was in the kitchen, slicing a piece of pie.
    She walked over to him and stood close enough that her hair fell against his arm. "What are you up to?" she asked softly.
    "Just having some pie. Do you want some?" He turned and looked at her then and she welcomed the look of surprise and wonder in his eyes.
    "Your hair. I didn't realize it was so long, and so pretty."
    "I just felt like taking it down." She smiled up at him. "I'd love some pie."
    He cut her a slice and handed it to her, along with a fork. "You should wear it down more often. I like it that way."
    "I didn't think you'd notice."
    "How could I not notice? It's gorgeous. You're gorgeous." She noticed his Adam's apple jump and was surprised to sense that he was nervous.
    She lightly touched his arm and he jumped but didn't pull away.
    "I didn't think you looked at me that way. I didn't think I was pretty enough for you."
    Ethan set down his pie and pulled her close.
    "You didn't think I was attracted to you?" he asked in a thick, strained voice.
    "No. I wished that you were, but no," she admitted.
    He leaned in, then, and gathered her hair in his hands and pulled her lips towards his. His kiss this time was very different from the chaste peck he'd given her when they got married. This was the kind of kiss she'd always dreamed of, and even when she'd dared imagine what it would like to kiss Ethan, reality was much better than she'd ever thought it could be. The kiss went on as his tongue found hers and she moaned and sank into him. At the sound of her moan, he pulled away and she flinched at the regret she saw in his eyes.
    "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I can't. I just can't." He ran his hands through his hair and Emma was torn between sympathy and anger.
    "It's all right," she finally managed to say.
    "No, it's not all right. And it won't happen again." As if for emphasis, there was a loud crack of thunder and a flash of lightning lit up the room, followed by pounding rain.
    "I have to go out for a while," Ethan muttered, and then Emma watched silently as he pulled on his boots and hat and buttoned up his coat. Then, he grabbed a fishing pole and a hunk of bread and headed for the door.
    "Don't wait up for me."
    Miserable, Emma fell into bed, but sleep wouldn't come until she heard the front door open again and knew that Ethan was home, and safe. Moments later, she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
    E mma woke the next morning wondering at first if it had all been a dream. Slowly, she eased herself out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. She was the first one up and got the water started for coffee. A moment later, Ethan came into the kitchen, already dressed and ready for the day.

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