Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Becca van - Free Book Online

Book: Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Becca van Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca van
Tags: Romance
when he opened the door but then she settled down once more, her breathing even and deep. With care he released her seat belt and lifted her into his arms. He looked down at her beautiful face and his heart clenched with longing. Sara-Jane was perfect for him and his brothers. Now all they had to do was convince her of that.
    Dalton turned and headed for the door. May was standing on the verandah with a big welcoming smile on her face, but when she saw the precious bundle in his arms that smile fell away.
    “Is she all right, Dalton? Who is she?” May asked in a near whisper.
    “This is Sara-Jane Cantor. She was the victim of a kidnapping along with her friend Nicole Maynard. They are still in danger so we brought them back home with us to keep them safe.”
    “You are such brave, good men,” May said and opened the door so Dalton could carry Sara inside. “Do you want her in the spare room?”
    “For now,” he replied and then carried Sara to the guest bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed and then removed her shoes. May pulled the covers back on the bed on one side, and Dalton carefully picked her up again and placed her in the bed, and then May pulled the covers up. He didn’t want to leave Sara. Dalt could have spent hours just watching her sleep, but he and his brothers still had work to do. There were reports to fill out and also searches to be made. Hopefully the sheriff from Chadron had already e-mailed through the names of the dead men they had left behind them. If they could get a handle on who and what they were working against, for sure, then their work would be a lot easier.
    Dalton leaned down and kissed Sara on the forehead. She murmured in her sleep and smiled before settling back down again. His heart filled with hope that maybe Sara-Jane Cantor was definitely the woman for him and his brothers. With a sigh of resignation he turned and headed toward the kitchen where he knew his brothers and teammates were waiting for him.
    As he entered the room he grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down next to Whit. Nicole was sitting between Ty and Rand, and Bromley was seated across from her and just like him and his brothers, didn’t seem to be able to take his eyes away from her. Nicole was pretty, too, but for him she didn’t hold a candle to Sara.
    “Nicole, can you tell us about any of your abductors?” Ty asked and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
    “Not really. They were Japanese, I think, but none of them ever spoke to us or near us. They brought us food twice a day and often checked in on us but we weren’t able to pick up on any of their names. Sara and I only ever saw two of them but we could hear them talking sometimes. We counted five different voices. We don’t even know why we were kidnapped?” Nicole’s voice hitched and tears filled her eyes, but she took a deep breath and blinked a few times, getting her emotions back under control. “I was only there for three days. Sara was there a lot longer than I was.”
    “Did any of them hurt either of you?” Brom asked, and Dalton saw that his jaw was clenched tight as he waited for an answer. Then he realized that his hands were gripping his mug so hard it was a wonder he hadn’t broken it. He released his grip and expelled a breath as Nicole began to speak again.
    “No. There were a few times when we thought one of them was going to.” Nicole’s hands were lying flat on the table, but then they clenched into little fists and her knuckles turned white. Ty took one of her hands in his and straightened her fingers out, and Rand did the same to the other. Each man threaded their fingers through hers offering comfort and support.
    “What happened?” Hay asked.
    “He would come into the room and stare at us like we were an alien or something. A couple of times he touched our hair like he was enthralled or something. Then he would grin at us and leave again.”
    May placed two large plates of muffins on the table and brought over

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