Elemental (The Keeper of the elements)

Read Online Elemental (The Keeper of the elements) by Shayne Donovan - Free Book Online

Book: Elemental (The Keeper of the elements) by Shayne Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayne Donovan
my forehead and someone sigh sadly. “The fever is rising.” Ronnie said softly. I assumed I was lying on a bed now and felt the mattress sink and another hand slid to my forehead, this one larger than Ronnie’s. “We will let her rest tonight, I’ll keep her bound. Tomorrow will be a hard and painful day to remove the power of the mark.”

    Chapter Eleven
    My eyes snapped open as I bolted upright from the bed. My hair spilled over my face as I frantically took in my surroundings, hoping  last night was just a dream. The room I was in was light blue and had a vine border that went around the ceiling. The bed was covered in white sheets and white blankets. The only other things in the room was a nightstand and a dresser.
    Slowly, still feeling weak, I pulled my legs from the bed. My clothes were shredded, scorched and covered in blood. My hopes that last night was a dream sunk. I felt exhausted and so weak that I could barely stand. As I tried, my legs wobbled beneath me. “You’re awake.” Ronnie said, startling me.  I dropped back to the bed and sighed. “The binding does take a lot out of you. Don’t worry we will get the power out of the mark and leave to the next safe house tonight.” She said smiling as she sat next to me. I noticed differences about her appearance as she sat. Her eyes were a darker indigo than mine, with touches of storm grey lacing in them. Her hair was a lighter shade of brown and I could see no hint of the wild purple.  She smiled, “Magic is a wonderful thing.” She laughed and I noticed a splatter of freckles across her nose.
    The door opened and a very petite woman walked in followed by two men. Ronnie smiled and stood up hugging one of the men tightly. My heart tugged at the show of emotion.  The woman had pale brown hair that curled along her shoulders and very light purple eyes. She smiled sweetly and came forward, extending her hand in introduction. “My name is Serena. It is very wonderful to finally meet you Gemma. I knew your mother and father very well.” My brows furrowed together and my forehead creased with confusion. Serena didn’t look any older than possibly twenty years old. She laughed and her laugh sounded almost like tinkling bells.  “I am very old for how I look. I am nine hundred and seventy four years old.” She explained and I heard a grunt behind her. “Try more like nine hundred and eighty two sister.” The man that spoke was tall and lean, his hair was the same brown and his eyes were the same light purple. “Fine. Nine hundred and eighty two.” She grumbled. I wanted to laugh but I was in too much shock.
    “Gemma, this is my husband and obviously Serena’s brother, Eli or Elijah.” I’m sure my eyes nearly fell out of my head with how wide they suddenly got. “Husband?” I coughed out. Ronnie laughed and held Eli’s arm. She was so little and petite standing next to him that it was nearly comical. “Yes silly, I’m six hundred and forty two, I’ve been married since I was two hundred and eighteen. “  She laughed like I had said the most ridiculous thing. I glanced over and my eyes instantly landed on Roland. My heart ached remembering Amelie’s broken body on the floor. I stood up and pushed myself toward him, ignoring the pain that radiated through my limbs. My arms snaked around his large middle, startling him and my face buried into his chest. I felt him hesitate but then wrap his brawny arms around me. “It is all right. She died protecting something very important.”  He said huskily. “What was that?” I asked.
    At first I didn’t think he would respond but then he answered softly, “son joyau.”  I glanced up, surprised by the tears that lingered in his eyes, “What does that mean? “ I asked and he smiled, “Her Gem.”
    Roland continued to stay with me through the day while the others discussed their plan of action. First thing was first, the power from the mark would need to be

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