Dying Assassin

Read Online Dying Assassin by Joyee Flynn - Free Book Online

Book: Dying Assassin by Joyee Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyee Flynn
Tags: General Fiction
    "What if there was another option?" Dean asked gently, reaching out and putting his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Would you rather stay here with us?"
    "And do what?" Ethan answered softly, staring at Dean. "You guys are all really nice and I like you. Especially you, Dean, but I'm dying. I couldn't put you through that."
    "What if you didn't have to die?" Ryder asked, glancing at Ethan than me.
    "I don't think it's very nice to tease me about that," Ethan said, anger in his voice. "I know I'm a dick for coming here to try and save my family, but picking on me for being sick isn't cool."
    "We're not picking on you, Ethan," I replied, deciding just to bite the bullet. "We're different than other people, and we could save you."
    "How?" he asked, scrunching his eyebrows together. I gave Ryder a nod, since he was the only other one who could fully control his shift. Ethan watched us with wide eyes as we stood and undressed. As soon as we were naked, we both shifted. "Okay, so you're werewolves."
    "You're a lot calmer than I was when I found out." Dean chuckled, taking Ethan's hand. "Aren't you going to freak out?"
    "When you have several doctors and specialists tell you that you're going to die, you kind of learn to take everything in stride." Ethan shrugged, still staring at Ryder and me. "What does this have to do with me?"
    "We called our council," I answered, shifting back when Ryder did. "If we turned you, it would cure your cancer."
    "Shut up." Ethan gasped, his jaw just about hitting the table. I nodded as we got dressed again. "Why would you do that for me?"
    "We couldn't just let you walk back out our door knowing you were going to die without our help," Dean said, tears in his eyes. "Spencer saved all of us and gave us a new life, a better life."
    "You wouldn't have to be in our bed, Ethan," Luc added, fidgeting with his beer. "I'm not even sure how we'd work this all out, but we got approval from our council to make you like us. You'd have to stay here though and be part of our pack."
    "What if I wanted to be in your bed?" he asked, glancing around at us. "You guys are hot and obviously are really great men. I dreamt all my life of having the type of love you all share."
    "We're not against it," Ryder answered, taking my hand. "We're all attracted to you, Ethan. But you have to understand, we've built a family here and the idea of adding someone new is scary."
    "I think for now, you need to decide if being a werewolf and staying here is something you could live with. The rest we'd have to figure out as we go," I said, giving Ryder's hand a squeeze. "We'd work on a story about how we found you some far away doctor that cured you and I'd handle things with Payton."
    "You'd do that for me?" Ethan asked, his eyes filling up with tears. "I'd pay you back, Spencer. I swear I would, however I could. I'll get a job in town, even if it's at a fast food restaurant. I'll do whatever it takes to get my family out of the hot water I put them in."
    "Your family's not liable for the medical bills that Payton paid off," I explained, before taking a swig of my beer. "Greg Payton paid them off on his own accord; his threats are pretty much empty, Ethan. He can't go to the authorities. What would he tell them? That you didn't kill me so they have to pay him back?"
    "I didn't think of it like that," Ethan replied, trying to pull his hand away from Dean. Instead, Dean pulled him off the chair and sat Ethan on his lap. Tears started falling down Ethan's cheeks as he shook in Dean's arms. "I'm so stupid. He totally played me, didn't he?"
    "He took advantage of your situation," Dean said gently, rubbing his hands up Ethan's arms. "You were alone and in a bad place; we've all been there, Ethan."
    "You have?" Ethan asked, tilting his neck to look up at Dean.
    "Yeah, we have." Dean nodded, glancing at us before continuing. "I lost my leg in a bad car wreck. My partner left me, I couldn't work anymore, and eventually ended up a bum on the

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