
Read Online Dreamwalker by Kathleen Dante - Free Book Online

Book: Dreamwalker by Kathleen Dante Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Dante
dildo. His presence there couldn’t have been a coincidence. How had he found her? She’d have to find out before she could risk accepting another commission. If some habit of hers made her predictable, she’d need to fix it before someone else figured it out and nabbed her. Or used her to get Felix or some other diScipio.
    That decided Rory.
    She knew herself well enough to know she’d never give up burglary while she could still do the work. Nothing else gave her the same charge as pitting herself against a tough system. To continue as she’d been doing, she’d have to face the Fed and learn how he’d predicted that she would hit the museum when it hadn’t been on her job list.
    Too, she was cursed with the curiosity of a cat, and it would nag her until it was satisfied. Why hadn’t he called to the museum guards for backup to catch her? She had to know, which meant agreeing to meet him. But that didn’t mean she was about to abandon all her vacation plans. She’d wanted sand and surf, and intended to get some.
    Rory fluffed her pillows into the configuration she preferred, then snuggled in, her body hyperaware of the smooth cotton sheets thanks to that sexy Fed’s visitation. If her experience with the jade dildo’s haunting was anything to go by, he’d be waiting in her dreams.
    Might as well give him his answer.
    With a leisurely stretch, she went to sleep, a smile of anticipation curving on her lips.
    Time to get some of her own back.

    Damon paused before the doors leading out to the hotel’s terrace to give his eyes time to adjust to the sudden brightness. The manicured tropical paradise with its lagoonlike pool was replete with bikinied women on towels and loungers soaking up the sun. At any other time, he might have lingered; he was a healthy, red-blooded male after all. But today the lure of eye candy did nothing for him. He had more important things to do.
    Beyond a low retaining wall, the sea called to him, speaking of endless possibilities, its crashing waves punctuated by the shrill cries of hovering seagulls. The sun hung high in a clear blue sky unbroken by even a single cloud. A strong wind blew, lifting his hair off his shoulders, the salt air heavy with heat and humidity and nothing else. Altogether, it was an auspicious morning. Perhaps today he’d finally pin down his mysterious master thief.
    He could only hope he would. Time was running out.
    Ignoring the looks of invitation and darts of heated interest aimed in his direction, Damon crossed the sheltered pool area and made his way to the beach behind his hotel, a white towel slung over his shoulder. He felt almost as underdressed as he could be in the snug, dark blue racing trunks—not his idea of suitable attire for meeting an elusive and internationally renowned cat burglar— but it was one of the conditions she’d set for this meeting. He’d had to buy a pair, since he hadn’t brought one with him.
    So much for thinking he was prepared for anything. I wonder how the Old Man will take that entry in the expense accounts. Guns and ammo were one thing; overpriced fashionable swimwear was something else altogether.
    The stray thought didn’t distract him from his discomfiture for long. He was supposed to take a swim and get his trunks wet . . . to prove he was unarmed? That doing so would also short any electronics he might have planted on him was probably an added benefit.
    It was funny how he wouldn’t have noticed his lack of clothing if this had been one of his seduction dreams, though his forays into his master thief’s dreams had had predictably frustrating results for his libido. As it was, he didn’t like the feeling that the situation was out of his control.
    Problem was, she had him over a barrel. If he wanted to meet her, he had to follow the very specific instructions she’d conveyed in her dream. He could only hope he’d interpreted them correctly. Dreams weren’t exactly verbal communication, and

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