Dragonhammer: Volume II
towards the expanse of our army.  If they try to hit our line, they will kill their own.
    I smash in the helmet of an oncoming soldier and bend backward to avoid a slash.  Then I spin out of the bend and slam the attacking soldier in the side, flooring him instantly.  I drive the spike of my hammer into the next and fling him to the side like paper.
    Nathaniel , I think.  Two more men fall victim to my hammer as I turn to look for my brother, but I do not see him.  Percival fights to my left with James and Jericho beside him.  Relief fills me as I see Nathaniel emerge from behind the falling body of his latest opponent.  He pulls his hammer up to continue the fight, and gives me a nod as he does so.
    I do not see Aela.
    Another breastplate is dented, another shield knocked aside, and another finished with a slam in the shoulder.  After another two, I turn to try and get a glimpse of Aela, but am unable to find her.
    A soldier swings his sword, but I spin away from the blow, grab his hand, and then twist him into a boulder.  He goes unconscious as his head hits the rock.
    An archer jumps onto the rock from the other side and raises his armed crossbow, pointing it at my heart.  He’s too high for me to reach.  He knows this and a bit of a smile starts to form on his lips.
    My throwing knife juts from his neck and he keels over the edge of the bluff, landing on one of his own companions.
    One of the soldiers sees me advancing and drops his sword.  Then he turns and runs, only to have one of his own men shoot him down.
    “Coward!” the archer yells.  “Fight!”
    The words have little effect on those within my range.  Though no more drop their weapons, they have trouble lifting them against me, like they know it will do them no good.
    Jarl Hralfar cuts down an enemy with his long broadsword, and then bashes another with the hilt.  He becomes a beast without feeling.  Killing all who stand against him.
    Genevieve wields the sword of Lucius Swordbreaker.  It’s a long blade with only one sharp edge, but presently that edge glows deep scarlet.  After it cuts through the body of another enemy, the blade bursts into flame.  Soldiers around her fall back in shock and fright, and she allows herself a small smile for the power she can wield.
    I still cannot find Aela.
    Using my hammer, I twist the sword from a soldier’s grasp and slam him to the ground before catching the blade in my left hand.  In the same motion, I whirl around and stab the blade through a charging foe.  I leave it in his lifeless body and continue the work of destruction.
    Suddenly there is a roar from behind.  I turn, expecting a charging troll to run me down.  Instead Ullrog smashes through a barrier of their men, wielding his enormous sword like it’s one of his limbs.
    He wears his orcish armor, brought all the way from his home in Arthensgulf. The workmanship is masterful and decorative; green-hued plates, layered across his chest, shoulders, and arms, protect his hulking and brutish form.  The armor makes him appear even more menacing than he already is, and some soldiers turn and flee at the sight of him.  His sword is enormous, wide, and colored like his armor.  Blood splatters its length and dots his armor.
    He takes six of them at once, turning to contend with each.  It takes only a single blow for him to defeat any soldier.  He spins as he cuts across the chest of the fifth, and then rams his sword through the gut of the last.  The blade spears all the way through to the hilt and the orc lifts him into the air.  He snarls into the face of his gasping foe atop his sword, and then turns and flings the soldier into another.  In the same motion he cuts across the chest of an enemy and decapitates another.  As the last falls, he turns towards the line and steps forward with a growl, twirling his blade to rid it of some of the blood.
    As men fall in front of me, they also fall behind me.  My men are not able to block every

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