
Read Online Dragonforge by James Maxey - Free Book Online

Book: Dragonforge by James Maxey Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Maxey
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Epic
you finer control over your memories. Most of this will happen as you sleep, but there may be some carry over into your waking life. This may result in hallucinations. Be careful… you may injure innocents by attacking threats that exist only in your imagination. Conversely, you may hesitate in the face of genuine danger. This effect will fade after a few years as your brain reaches its most efficient structure.”
    “A few years?” Jandra said, her heart sinking. Her mind felt adequate already. What could possibly be worth years of not being able to trust her own eyes?
    “Finally,” said Vendevorex, “I must warn you of the most serious threat. I’m not the creator of the helmet. It is a tool from the hidden city known as Atlantis. You may have wondered why, given my abilities, I took a subservient position in the court of Albekizan, and seldom used my power to truly alter the world.”
    Jandra had often been frustrated by her mentor’s reluctance to use his powers more aggressively.
    “The helmet wasn’t a gift from the Atlanteans. It was stolen. Take care to avoid their attention. You may think that after so many years the Atlanteans are no longer searching for their property. Unfortunately, time is no obstacle to the Atlanteans who are, for all practical purposes, immortals. I have no doubt they will come for the device. It may even be that they were simply waiting for my death to reclaim it. You may be in grave danger. Use utmost caution should you encounter an Atlantean. Their powers will exceed yours by an unimaginable factor. However, this doesn’t mean they can’t be defeated. Atlanteans possess one flaw that may prove fatal should you choose to exploit it. All Atlanteans—”
    Vendevorex’s voice was drowned out by a shout from below, a cry of rage that sounded violently torn from the shouter’s throat. It was followed by the voice of an earth-dragon screaming, “Stay back!” Though the voices originated several floors beneath her with layers of thick stone to muffle them, the words sounded almost as if they had been spoken in the same room.
    As she thought about the voices, images flickered through her mind. The faces of thousands of earth-dragons she’d met flashed before her in an instant. A heartbeat later, the images were gone, and a single face remained in her memory, that of a guard named Ledax. She barely knew him, having only heard him speak once in all the years he carried out his duties around the palace. Yet, she somehow knew it was his voice that had shouted the warning to stay back. She also knew, with equal certainty, that the first shout she had heard had come from the lips of a human woman.
    Below, Ledax let out a pained grunt. The woman’s gurgling scream transformed into a satisfied, eerie giggle.
    Jandra ran for the steps, slowed somewhat by her heavy funeral gown. She wished it was shorter. As she moved, the gown inched upward to her knees. The fabric pleated into a loose skirt, allowing her legs greater freedom. She leaped down the stairs, taking them three and four at a time. She could hear the chilling laughter growing closer. She burst into the room, freezing as she took in the gory scene. Vendevorex’s warning of hallucinations suddenly seemed relevant.
    Ledax was splayed limply on the floor, blood oozing from a gash in his shoulder. Crouched over him was a naked girl, younger than Jandra, her breasts and belly painted with blood. Her lips were spread wide in an evil grin. Dark red saliva streamed down her chin as she giggled. Black, serpentine tattoos decorated the skin of her scalp and neck. Similar inkings coiled down her thighs and arms. In her right hand, she held a long dagger, its black blade glistening. The girl’s eyes made Jandra hesitate, wondering if she’d slipped into a nightmarish hallucination. The girl’s pupils were vacant black circles set in bloodshot pools of pink. Jandra had faced killers before. She’d stared down tatterwings, locked eyes with

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