Double Trouble: A Menage Romance

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Book: Double Trouble: A Menage Romance by Marie Carnay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Carnay
    Jess closed her eyes in relief. “Thank God that’s over.”
    Fingers wrapped around her arm and Jess blinked in surprise. Gage yanked her toward him. “It’s not over. Not even close.”
    His brown eyes simmered. Jess had never borne the brunt of so much anger.
    She clutched at his fingers, but his grip was too tight. “Get your hands off me.” He tugged her toward the stairs and she stumbled after him. “You’re hurting me.”
    “Good.” He didn’t even look at her as he dragged her along behind. She tripped down every stair, her feet tangled up in her heels as they rushed out of the restaurant.
    A waiter met them at the bottom. “Is everything alright, sir?”
    “Get my driver. Now.”

Chapter 9
    D amien opened the limo’s back door and Gage tossed Jess inside.
    She bounced onto the seat. Hair flying everywhere, arms flailing, she shrieked as he climbed inside.
    Serves you right.
    Gage slammed the limo door and hit the button to raise the glass. Damien knew where to go and what the privacy glass meant. At least his driver followed the rules. Wish he could say the same for the woman scrambling to get away. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
    “Pissed you off, apparently.” She tugged the dress down her thighs but couldn’t hide the tremble in her hands.
    “What is your assignment, Ms. Woodson?”
    She smoothed back her hair and scowled. Gage’s temper flared anew. No one refused to answer his questions. No. One.
    Launching across the limo, he caged her against the seat with his sheer size. “I asked you a question.”
    The black of her pupils swelled, turning her blue irises into a shallow ring. “Not politely, you didn’t.”
    Gage grabbed both her arms and tugged them over her head. Jess squirmed and twisted and tried to fight him off. She didn’t have a chance. With one hand, he pinned her wrists high enough to be uncomfortable.
    “What is your assignment?”
    She stared at him with a curious expression. The scowl said rage, wide eyes hid fear, parted lips screamed lust. Need .
    Gage inched closer, forcing her knees to spread apart. He shouldn’t want her like this. Ever.
    Her tongue darted out to wet her lower lip. His fingers tightened around her wrists.
    “I’m here to write a piece on you and Holt for NNT.”
    “Are you here to slap the president of the company we're trying to acquire?”
    “Are you here to splash us all over the front page of the tabloids and cause the deal to fall apart?”
    Jess gasped and the word tumbled from her still-slick pout. “No.”
    “Then tell me why you didn’t just stay quiet.”
    She didn’t answer, so Gage edged closer until her legs fell all the way open. Bare skin. Trembling legs. Jess's knees grazed his hips as he leaned in, her mouth close enough to kiss. Bright pink and luscious, her lips beckoned him to taste. Ravage.
    He focused on her eyes. “I want to hear you say it.”
    Color flared across her cheeks. “Gordon called me a prostitute. It was insulting.”
    “Do you slap everyone who insults you?”
    “The ones who deserve it.”
    “What happened to not being the center of attention?”
    “That doesn’t mean I’m a pushover. Once you let someone treat you like a doormat that’s all you ever are.”
    Gage's stare fell to the swells of her breasts peaking out from the top of her dress. His grin wasn’t apologetic. “Nicky was right about one thing. You do have a great rack.”
    Her arms flexed in his grip, but she was helpless. However strong she thought she was, it wasn’t a match to him in that moment.
    “You’re an asshole.”
    “I’ve been called worse. Lately by Nicky Gordon.”
    Jess stilled. “Is what he said true? Did you buy NNT just for the good publicity?”
    Shit . Gage let her arms go. They fell limp to her sides as she focused on him, curiosity and hurt warring behind thick lashes.
    He pushed back onto the opposite seat and exhaled. Now that the woman was under his skin,

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