Dorian's Destiny: Altered

Read Online Dorian's Destiny: Altered by Amanda Long - Free Book Online

Book: Dorian's Destiny: Altered by Amanda Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Long
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, vampire, Christian, love, God, Faith, Violence
Dorian still was, “just get your chicken ass over here. I
let you shoot me, now it's my turn to repay the favor.”
    “You asked me to shoot you,” Dorian reminded
him anxiously.
    “So,” Thomas quipped back, shrugging his
shoulders before turning serious. “Am I going to have to make you?”
Smiling wickedly, he traveled back to the booth where his weapon
    Knowing he would force him into compliance,
Dorian reluctantly proceeded to the back of the range and disrobed.
Standing in Thomas' line of sight, he gritted his teeth and waited
for the assault. As soon as the round left the chamber he could
tell it was aimed for his head. Even with the speed of a vampire,
Dorian had no hope of evading the bullet. It seared his flesh on
impact, hitting dead center on his forehead. Then, for the second
time in only a few months, Dorian crumpled to the ground, knocked
unconscious by Thomas' hand.
    Once his vision returned, he stared up at a
happy Thomas.
    “I must have hit something important in
there, since you blacked out for a second.” He pointed to Dorian's
freshly healed forehead.
    “You jerk,” Dorian hissed, swatting away
Thomas' hand. “I thought you said no head or groin shots?” He wiped
the blood from his head, the only evidence of the foul play.
    “I did, but when you didn't, I assumed you
were game for anything.” Thomas jeered, flashing his signature
wicked smile. “You should be thankful I shot you in the head. I
seriously considered aiming for your dick.” Thomas added pointing
to that part of Dorian's body, just in case he didn't understand
the slang. “Now that we're done mutilating each other for fun, what
do you say we show our gratitude to the owner?” He winked. Rising
from the kneeling position beside Dorian, he extended his hand to
help him off the ground.
    Dorian frowned. “I don't understand you. If
you were planning on killing the owner, why didn’t you do that
first, and why even bother paying him?” He accepted Thomas' hand,
although the gesture was unnecessary.
    Thomas sighed, as if the answer was obvious.
“I paid the owner so that we would not be interrupted. I postponed
killing him because a bloody mess in the lobby would attract the
wrong kind of attention. So, now we get to feed AND I get my money
back. It's a win-win,” he explained while helping him to his
    Dorian walked over to where his clothes lay,
intending to redress, when Thomas grabbed his shoulder. “Don't get
dressed yet. Do you know how hard it is to remove blood
    Dorian shook his head.
    “Well, neither did I, until some of my staff
came to me complaining. I went through several maids before I
started to take them seriously.” Thomas barred his fangs.
    Dorian stared at him, brow
furrowed. “Why should I be concerned with a bloodstain now? I get
why we undressed to shoot each other,” shaking his head, still not
believing he had just partaken in such a ridiculous activity, “no
need to ruin nice clothes with bullet holes and blood, but I am
sure that I can feed without the need to remain undressed. I did
somehow manage to do the same the last time. I realize that I am
new to this more refined lifestyle, but I am not a slob!” Dorian
finished by yelling his frustration over Thomas'
    “Dorian, Dorian, Dorian,” Thomas repeated,
laughing, “You misunderstand. I did not intend to insult you, nor
do I deem you a slob. However, you do lack a sense of adventure. Of
course, it's not necessary for either one of us to be concerned
about bloodying our clothes under normal circumstances.” Thomas
added at the last moment, his signature grin returning, “But normal
can be so boring. Today, I intend on making a mess.” With that, he
turned from Dorian and waltzed into the lobby.
    Sauntering up to the counter, his clothes
tucked under his left arm, Thomas banged on the service bell. Soon,
a short, balding, middle-aged man answered the call, emerging from
a back office.
    “May I help you,

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