Dodging Trains

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Book: Dodging Trains by Sunniva Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sunniva Dee
tells him to do—it’s survival of the species, get the female done. I close my eyes, not wanting to watch him ravage me.
    The bed trembles at his pace. He’s loud, groaning, oblivious to whoever might roam the floor we’re on. I hold my breath, hands clutching the sheet below me, hips high so I can receive and let him get where he needs to be.
    At this speed, he should take minutes to finish, but he lasts, lasts, and much later he has flipped me. He has carried me to the mirror in the hallway so he can see what he’s doing to me, and in the end, he’s got us both naked in the bathroom, me leaned over the sink and him pumping me hard from behind.
    When he explodes, I get a hazy look at him in the mirror. We’re both covered in sweat, and his hands clutch my boobs so hard they have white finger marks when he lets go.
    “Damn, Ruby. That was awesome.” He takes one look at my eyes in the mirror and sees that I’m scared shitless.
    “Too much?”
    “It was good,” I say, swallowing.
    “That’s why you’re teary-eyed behind that mask?” he asks casually while he lifts my boobs to study them in the mirror. A short grunt reveals that my breasts still meet his approval.
    “You’re… a bit violent,” I admit.
    I don’t expect the reaction I get. Keyon laughs out loud. “Really? You proposition a warrior and expect vanilla sex?”
    My chest is blotchy. I’ve got a red bite mark on my neck. Somehow, I almost came a second time, and now his hand digs in between my thighs to find my cleft from the front. He slides two fingers through it until I start moving my hips. We watch each other in the mirror, and he doesn’t stop until I clench my thighs around his fingers. I try to squirm away, but with his other arm, he hooks me against himself. Then his chin digs into my shoulder and stares down my reflection until I look away.
    “I want you to come again.”
    “You can’t order someone to have an orgasm.”
    “Just. Fucking. Look at me.”
    And between the gravel in his voice, the insistent stare-down in the mirror, his face, his body, his touch—
    I moan out another climax.

    T his is ridiculous. I don’t understand what’s going on right now. The town is in upheaval because Keyon Arias, the fighter, the mayor’s son, hooked up with a girl a few nights ago and he’s turning the place upside down to find her.
    I left our twosome early, which would have given him time to sample more of Rigita’s offerings, but by the description, the girl in question is me. Female Robin Hoods with painted-on masks weren’t in ready supply at his father’s party, I believe.
    I couldn’t sleep with the aftershocks of heat and fear rolling through me, so he put me in his lap by the fireplace and fed me warm whiskey with milk and honey. Said it’d calm my nerves and make it easier to sleep, and he was right. The gesture was too considerate for me to dwell on. I can’t keep a film clip of it.
    In the morning, my mom would be there to help clean up after the party, and I wasn’t planning on running into her hardworking morning face while I looked like a just-screwed hangover.

    Keyon’s thigh weighs me down. It’s hard and thick over my leg, partly covering my hip. His arm, warm against my nose, makes me think of safety nets and of being smothered.
    He’s snoring. It’s a deeply relaxed sound, and when I turn a little within his embrace, he’s so close I can hardly distinguish his features. Black hair drapes half of his cheek in a peaceful mess. With his mouth rounded, he blows out air in small puffs. There’s whiskey on his breath, of the pleasant, fresh kind, because it’s not that long since we drank it.
    Oh my God. I’m in bed with Keyon Arias. All these years and here we are. He’s completely unaware too, of who I am. If he tricked me like this, I’d have been furious. Ah this is so not good.
    Although men don’t hold on to memories the way we do. I might never cross Keyon’s mind with his great,

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