Dirty Dining

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Book: Dirty Dining by EM Lynley Read Free Book Online
Authors: EM Lynley
table as the gong sounded. This time Brice arranged to sit next to Cathcart, with the boys in between, so he wouldn’t have to watch or be watched.
    As they waited, Brice wondered whether he’d made the right choice. He remembered how Remy felt sitting in his lap, feeding him, the warmth of his body through the fabric of Brice’s pants. Whose lap would he be in tonight? Who would be touching him the way Brice wanted to touch him but hadn’t? Was it out of prudishness or some misplaced respect for Remy?
    He glanced around the table at the other men’s faces. Which one of them might share his bed with Remy that night? Brice remembered how he smelled and how he’d felt cuddled up during the night. And the way he’d tasted when he’d finally decided to let Remy know what he wanted. Why did he have these thoughts about a guy who took his clothes off—and probably more—for money?
    Next to him, Cathcart sipped a single-malt Scotch and grinned like he’d won the Powerball jackpot. Brice felt like a different kind of whore, bringing a client here so he could close a big deal for his firm.
    The gong sounded, and Cathcart put his glass down with a thunk , sloshing some of the amber liquid onto the table. The men turned their attention to the door at the far end of the room.
    Cathcart grabbed Brice’s knee. “Oh, the boys are coming now!”
    The first one entered, wearing a blue-and-white sailor suit and a dark blue scarf. Cathcart sucked in his breath. “Which one’s mine?”
    “He’ll be wearing a scarf the color of your lapel pin.”
    “Oh, right.”
    So far Remy hadn’t entered the room. He’d been last when he came in with the green armband destined for Brice. Who here would have Jeremy tonight? He didn’t think it would be Cathcart, since he was Brice’s guest. Thomas understood that wouldn’t be very acceptable to a new member. The second boy out the door, a lithe blond, wore a mauve tie. He brushed a hand along Cathcart’s shoulders as he filed past on their circuit of the room before they would sit down with their gentlemen.
    “Oh, he’s pretty, Brice. I like him.”
    Four boys had entered. So far Brice hadn’t seen either his green boy or Remy. Then a slender Asian boy entered wearing green. Brice couldn’t recall if he’d been there the previous week. He was as attractive as all the others, and his exotic looks made a few of the gentlemen let out a soft gasp. Last was Remy, wearing sky blue. Brice couldn’t take his eyes off him, and not just because the tight sleeveless shirt or the tighter white shorts showed his anatomy to its best advantage.
    Brice’s gaze followed Remy around the room. As Remy was opposite him, their gazes met for a flicker of a second. Brice had to look away, but he hadn’t missed the hurt he saw there. Could it be real? Or just another ploy these boys used on their clients? Brice broke the eye contact first but wished he hadn’t. He watched the boys move around the room, smiling and showing off their costumes. Then the green boy sat down, and Brice couldn’t keep watching Remy.
    “Hi, Mr. Green. I’m Law,” the Asian boy said with a sweet smile.
    “Short for Lawrence.” He grimaced, clearly not enamored with his given name.
    Law sidled up to Brice so their thighs were pressed together. “Here’s my menu.” He leaned forward, picked the small leather folder from the table and handed it to Brice. “And nightcaps.” He whispered the last into Brice’s ear with a warm breath and a soft brush of lips against the lobe of Brice’s ear. It was a sexy touch. Before Brice’s brain could process the physical stimulation, Law was gone.
    Cathcart’s boy had gone too, to bring in the first course, and he grabbed at Brice’s elbow. “Jee-sus, we don’t have anything like this back home. Nothin’! My boy’s called Kit.” Cathcart held Kit’s menu out. “Look at what he’ll do. Damn, I don’t think I’m gonna have time to eat.”

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