Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Book: Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) by Jennifer Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Anderson
young angel? I hate to see how long is considered an old angel.” More to myself than him.
    “Blane, is an older angel. Powerful, fearless. He shouldn’t even be earth bound.” He said shaking his head before continuing his pacing. I could see the admiration in his eyes for him.
    “You respect Blane.”
    “Yes human. I do. That is the only thing keeping me from having you for myself.” He said winking at me, smiling. “I can see why he is going to such lengths to protect you.”
    “Lengths? What lengths is he going to?” Standing up and walking in front of him.
    “Nothing. I just meant he will do all in his power to protect you.” Smiling at me before he found another route to pace in.
    He knew more than what he was saying, that was obvious. It was one thing having two angels risking their life to protect me, it was quite another having them go seek out trouble on my behalf. It made me uneasy. I didn’t like owing anyone. As it is, I owe Blane everything right now. Sighing, and leaning back we stared at each other for a few seconds before I broke eye contact again. Looking back at him again. “You don’t look very ready for an attack.” Eying him up and down in his business attire.
    Smirking at me, he un-tucked his shirt and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Lifting it up I was confronted with wash board abs and about half a dozen knives strapped around his stomach. Tucking his shirt back into his pants, he lifted up his pant legs and had several strapped to his leg.
    Clearing my throat, “I stand corrected. No guns?”
    “We are not allowed to kill humans and guns don’t work against demons. Therefor they are useless to us.”
    “I see.”
    Gabriel stopped in his tracks looking around. I knew that look and dread filled me, nailing my feet to the floor.
    Yanking open his shirt and pulling knives out in each hand he stood at a ready position looking around the room. “Get behind that table.”
    Willing my legs to work again, I quickly ran behind the table and knelt down. Grabbing a short metal pipe that lay on the floor beside me. You could hear water dripping in the far corners of the basement it was so quiet. Gabriel looked deadly turning in a circle, both knives at the ready. Materializing right behind him, was the biggest, ugliest creature I have seen yet. While Gabriel stood a little over 6 foot, this creature towered over him easily. “Gabriel!” I screamed, right when he turned the creature took one arm and back handed him, sending him flying across the room with little to no exertion. Gabriel didn’t even have any time to react.
    Walking towards me with long strides, I knew I was a goner. Sending the table I was behind flying, breaking against the wall. Standing up, I didn’t want to die on my knees, cowering. I’m not so stupid to think I could actually put up a good fight to this monstrosity, but I was determined to go down fighting. Just when he was a mere breath away from me, Blane suddenly appeared in front of me. Sword in hand, in one swift motion he beheaded the creature. Falling to his knees, he coughed up blood. “Blane!” I screamed in confusion. To much has happened in the last minute, my mind was in turmoil. Dropping my poor excuse for a weapon, it clattered loudly on the ground. Crouching down next to Blane, he fell into my lap. Looking across the room Gabriel was working on sitting up against the wall, breathing heavily. “Are you alright Gabriel?”
    “Yeah. I’m fine. Although my ego is wounded.” He said coughing.
    “Something is wrong with Blane. He is bleeding, but I didn’t see the creature touch him.” I said holding on tightly to him while he lay still in my arms, his eyes now closed.
    “What?” I asked now borderline hysterical.
    “It was demon, not a creature. A very powerful demon.” He corrected me.
    Shaking my head, I hardly cared. “Is he going to be alright?” I asked, not willing to let go of my protector. It scared me seeing him like

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