Destined for Two

Read Online Destined for Two by Trista Ann Michaels - Free Book Online

Book: Destined for Two by Trista Ann Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trista Ann Michaels
the inside out. “I think not,” he purred.
    “It would be rape,” she said as she leaned against the wall, mimicking his stance.
    His laughter filled the room and she gritted her teeth in frustration. More so with herself than him. She wanted him to kiss her ass…literally. She wanted to feel his lips on her hip, her flesh, and more than she wanted to admit, even her pussy.
    “I don’t think so, sweet. Not after that explosive orgasm you had yesterday. And just imagine,” he purred as he pushed away from the table and stalked toward her. “I didn’t even have my cock inside you.”
    He came to a stop right in front of her and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. Big mistake. She realized it the second she caught a whiff of his deeply masculine scent. He smelled of musk and man with just a hint of rum. Swallowing a sudden surge of lust, she raised her head and glared at him. “You don’t scare me, Keenas.” He tilted his head and frowned down at her. “I wasn’t trying to scare you, Rhianna.” He raised his hand to gently trace her jawline with his finger. “I’m not into scaring women. I prefer to seduce them.”
    “You can’t seduce me,” she argued.
    He smiled roguishly. “I believe I already have.” His hand slid lower and traced the edge of her top, coming dangerously close to her cleavage. She started and backed herself farther against the wall. Anything to get some distance between them. “I mean it, Keenas,” she snarled. “Don’t touch me, you bastard.” His eyes narrowed dangerously and blood pounded through her ears with a deafening roar. She should stop now. She knew she should, but something took hold of her common sense and tossed it right out the window. “You and your brother can both go to hell. I’ll not be your queen, your mistress, or anything else that troglodyte mind of yours can conjure up.”
    “Is that so?” he snarled. “I have news for you, princess. You are our queen, like it or not.”
    “Well, I don’t like it!” she snapped. “I want to go home.” Full lips dropped dangerously close to hers and his breath brushed across her mouth as he spoke. His arms rose to pin her against the wall and the heat of his body seeped into hers, overheating her already smoldering flesh.
    “You are going home. Accept it.”
    “No. I’ll never accept it.”
    “Fine,” he snarled, then reached out and tore her top, ripping it from her chest.

    She gasped and moved to cover her exposed breasts, but Keenas gripped her wrists, pulling them away and flattening them at the wall by her shoulders. With a scowl, she struggled against his hold but he held her still effortlessly. His muscular thigh slid between hers, pressing into her pussy.
    Rhia fought hard against the rising desire to wiggle against his thigh. What was wrong with her? Why did the two of them have this effect on her? His gaze moved to her breasts and her nipples tightened despite her desire to remain unaffected. What angered her most was he could tell what this did to her. He could tell she was turned on and wanted him, despite her arguments to the contrary.
    “Admit it, sweet,” he purred against her lips. “Admit you want me and I’ll let you go.
    Admit being bound and dominated turns you on.”
    She shook her head, her lips set in a tight line. Being dominated did turn her on. God help her, it did. On Veenori, she was the master. Deep inside, she’d always wanted a man who could dominate her, make her the obedient slave. Even when she’d made use of the slaves, they’d waited for her to give the orders -- waited for her to tell them what to do. A big part of her had always wanted a man who didn’t have to be told, who knew what to do instinctively, who would actually tell her what to do.
    But Keenas was her captor and she refused to give in to him, regardless of how badly her body wanted her to.
    His thigh shifted, rubbing against her aching mound, and a mewling sound escaped her lips

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