Desired by the Pack: Part One: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Book: Desired by the Pack: Part One: A BBW Paranormal Romance by Emma Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Storm
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, Werewolves & Shifters
wide-planted, booted feet.
    This close, she realized the men weren’t the only ones who could smell the arousal in the air.
    Beck’s erection stressed the seams of his fly. The zipper’s teeth peeked out from behind the strip of denim meant to hide them. And she could taste the scent of him, rich and masculine and ready.
    Cross slipped the elastic from her hair and fingered through her ponytail, detangling the long strands. She tilted her head back, inadvertently baring her throat.
    The growl came from Beck, long and deep, almost a word.
    Her gaze snapped to his, found his eyes that much more wild.
    Understanding dawned. “This is your moon.”
    Werewolves could control themselves by the light of the full moon. Many were at their most stable with the full charge of light coursing through them. But each had a secret weakness--the moon under which they were born.
    Even an alpha could go a little moon-mad with his birth moon riding high in the sky.
    He unclenched his fists and cupped her cheeks. The bulge of his cock brushed her chin as he stepped close, bracketing her knees with his booted feet.
    “You are not the only one who wants and needs.” He spoke the words carefully, slowly, and she realized his jaw had changed.
    Fear lent an unexpected edge to her arousal. Dragging air into her lungs, she lowered her gaze to his chin.
    Werewolves fucked in different forms. She knew that. Even wearing different forms in the same bed. But this was new for her, every bit of it strange, from the naturally dominant and submissive roles--such as they were--to the ease with which she fit between Cross and Beck.
    Shared by them.
    She was in so much trouble. In so deep.
    And she wanted to go in deeper, Goddess help her.
    Maybe Beck read something in her face or body language. Maybe he scented a change in her. She didn’t ask, but something prompted him to lower his hands, claw-tipped fingers trailing gently along her jaw.
    He lowered his hands and she lifted hers. One touch. That’s what she allowed herself on the way to getting his jeans open. She savored the power of him all bound up and straining against cotton. She could have explored him like that but settled with tracing the bulge from the base of his zipper to the tab.
    Yearning rumbled in his chest. Not fool enough to toy with the wolf, she wedged her fingers behind the button and eased it free. Zipper next and she didn’t just reach in to retrieve his cock. She peeled his jeans down until the waist sat at his upper thighs, held there by the extra bulk he’d grown in this between-form.
    He didn’t wear underwear. Freed from its prison, his cock sprang out to find her. Thick, heavy, with a broad tip, purple with blood, it glanced off her cheek because she didn’t move out of the way fast enough.
    Then Cross speared his hands into her hair, palms to her scalp, and she couldn’t have evaded because the strong man behind her pushed her mouth onto Beck’s cock and held her there.
    The restraint was unnecessary but her pussy liked it so she didn’t fight. Besides, the reward was sweet and salt, soft and steel as she swirled her tongue around Beck’s hot flesh.
    Digging her fingertips into the solid muscles of his ass, she took as much as she could. By the way he shuddered, hips pulsing toward her, she knew it wasn’t enough.
    “Use your hands.” Cross’s voice was thick with arousal.
    As she stretched her lips past the point of comfort and took Beck so deep she couldn’t really use her tongue anymore, possibilities charged through her racing imagination.
    Would they take her together? One behind her, one beneath, hammering her body with the strength packaged up tight in their warrior bodies?
    At the mental image, she groaned and snaked one hand down between her legs. She fisted the base of Beck’s shaft and pushed her fingers into her underwear, searching for the slippery, swollen nub that trembled there.
    Behind her, Cross dropped to his knees. The sudden movement pulled

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