Designed for Love (Texas Nights)

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Book: Designed for Love (Texas Nights) by Kelsey Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelsey Browning
learn more about yourself than you ever imagined.”
    “Then I have a proposal for you.”
    “I’m not interested in—”
    “The Lily Lake project needs an interior designer.” Although Ashton matter-of-factly bulldozed over Gigi’s words, her heart was ping-ponging around in her chest. Regardless, she pushed aside their drinks and spread her portfolio on the table. “And I’m the woman for the job.”
    She shot Gigi a double-eyebrow-raise, which miraculously silenced her grandmother. “First, why the project needs an interior designer. Many construction projects are run by men. And although they’re well versed in technique and code, they often don’t consider the details that make homes and businesses truly livable. A well-decorated clubhouse will encourage potential homeowners to buy lots. Eventually, a model home will sell other houses. A designer can give the entire project a cohesive look and feel.”
    Gigi relaxed into her chair, and Ashton took that as a sign to continue.
    Didn’t matter because Gigi couldn’t have stopped her with a backhoe now that she was on a roll. “Second, why I’m that interior designer. Did you notice the Kilgore house’s interior when you walked through?”
    A nod from Gigi, and Ashton plowed on. “Then you should know I’m responsible for the decorating details. I made all the selections, being sure to match both the history of the house and the tone of the businesses. I was also faced with budgetary constraints.” However painful. “And because Designs to Die For is still in a growth stage, this is the perfect time for me to take on something of the Lily Lake project’s scope. I not only have time to devote myself almost entirely to the project, but you know I’m familiar with the type of people who will eventually be interested in buying property. That I’m family is an added bonus. I obviously would have your—” and Shelbyville’s, “—best interest at heart.”
    By this time, she’d run out of breath so she dragged in a chestful of air and said, “Well?”
    “Well, what?”
    “Will you hire me as your interior decorator?”
    Gigi studied her for several minutes and finally gave a small nod. Sharp. Decisive. “No, but I will let you run the whole damn Lily Lake development project.”

Chapter Four
    The breath Ashton pulled in went dirt devil on her, clogging her throat. She popped her sternum with the heel of her hand. “Run? You mean assistant, working under you.”
    “No, ma’am.” Gigi dug into her lunch, savored a bite, then pointed the fork tines at Ashton. “I’ve decided those fool legislators need me to knock some sense into their heads about that health bill. So instead of me overseeing the development project, you will.”
    “But I thought
wanted to handle it.”
    “No, I wanted to take something your grandfather pissed away, build it up, and thumb my nose at the old bastard.”
    Did that mean Gigi expected her to do a half-assed job or a good one? “I...I don’t know what to say.” What to think. Ideas and pictures and nerves were fighting for top-dog status in her mind. She still hadn’t given Mac a dime and how was she supposed to pay him back if she was busy working on a project for her grandmother? Whoa, whoa, whoa... “Would there be a budget for the project manager’s salary?”
    A smile slowly spread across Gigi’s face. “Bonuses for you based on every project milestone I outline. You make the deadline, you get both a check for the next phase of the project and a small one to put in your own bank account. You miss a deadline, and you get neither.”
    Ashton’s heart was race-walking. If she made a success of this, she could get back on her feet, repay Mac, feed Napoleon something more than the dry dog food he detested. And no one would ever, ever call Ashton Davenport a blonde bobblehead again. “I’ll need to study your notes, your plans for development.”
    “I don’t think so. If you take over

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