Dave: Junior Year (Three Daves #2)

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Book: Dave: Junior Year (Three Daves #2) by Nicki Elson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicki Elson
the worn fibers of her beige carpeting.
    Two hours later, Jen was in the same position on her bed. She’d clicked off the Pitch Perfect soundtrack before it had even finished its first play through. It was far too energetic for her current mood. She’d fallen asleep for a while, and when she woke, she simply lay there with no desire to get up. For the past few months, her mind had played a constant reel of Dave—would he call; what would she say to him; when would she see him again; what would she wear when she saw him? Now that she knew there was no Dave to anticipate, she saw absolutely no point in even lifting her hand to wipe away the glob of drool that slowly worked its way across her chin.
    She sighed and rolled onto her back, staring at the nothingness between her eyeballs and the ceiling, sinking herself deeper into depression by recalling the excitement and possibility she’d felt the first night she’d met him. Her bedroom door flew open, and Maria, Kate, and Chris stormed in. Chris carried a wad of clothing in her arms and dropped it onto Jen’s floor.
    “We’re going out,” Maria announced. “Chris just brought over the IDs.”
    Jen groaned and threw her arm over her eyes. “Go without me.”
    “Nope.” Maria pulled Jen’s arms so that she was forced to sit up.
    Kate kneeled on the floor in front of Jen. “Come on, Jenny. We need this.” Her big, blue eyes carried a sadness of their own. The previous week, Jake had told her he’d been accepted into a sixteen-week law program in London. As if being separated by an ocean for four months wasn’t bad enough, he’d also hinted it might be a good idea for them to “take a break” and see other people while he was away.
    Jen wiped the drool from her chin. “Don’t call me Jenny.” She started sinking back onto the bed. “I don’t want to run into Dave.”
    “We won’t.” Kate grabbed Jen’s hands to keep her upright. “Please. I won’t go without you.” Kate rarely went out with the girls, and she really did need this, probably more than Jen. Jen couldn’t say no to that pitiful, beautiful face.
    “Fine,” Jen relented.
    “Yay!” Kate suddenly didn’t look quite so pathetic. “And don’t worry—Dave won’t be where we’re going.”
    “Where’re we going?” Jen asked.
    “The Ritz!” Chris shouted as she connected Jen’s phone with the speaker on her dresser and blasted the Pitch Perfect soundtrack.
    Jen smiled. The Ritz wasn’t her favorite place, but Dave definitely wouldn’t be there. It was strictly a dance club—no punk allowed.
    Chris pulled out various blouses from Jen’s closet, shouting over the music, “We’re raiding each other’s closets!”
    Jen’s room became a flurry of mini-skirts and off-the-shoulder sweaters. They dug heels from the back of their closets. While the girls teased and flat-ironed their hair, Maria called Tom. Jen heard her say, “Sorry, hon, girls’ night.” She slammed down her phone and ran for a bottle of Malibu rum, which the girls passed around, taking swigs as they got ready.
    “Let’s call a cab,” Kate suggested. “We’ll never make it there in these heels. Especially not with our rum buzz.”
    “Tom’ll drive us.” Maria picked up her phone and called her boyfriend again. Twenty minutes later, he picked them up and drove them to the Ritz. As they piled out of the car, Maria told him not to wait up—they’d call a cab to take them home.
    “Have fun, girls,” Tom said. “But not too much fun.” He raised an eyebrow at Maria.
    As he drove away and the girls stepped through the door, Maria announced, “Get ready boys—here we come!”
    Their first stop was the large, three-sided bar, where Chris ordered four Blow Job shots. How apropos , Jen thought, forcibly reminded of her last night with Dave.
    The bartender set four shot glasses of pale, chocolate-colored liquor in front of the girls and topped each one with a large dollop of foamy whipped-cream. Jen inhaled

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