Dark Nebula (The Chronicles of Kerrigan)

Read Online Dark Nebula (The Chronicles of Kerrigan) by W.J. May - Free Book Online

Book: Dark Nebula (The Chronicles of Kerrigan) by W.J. May Read Free Book Online
Authors: W.J. May
made Alecia stumble.
    “I’m so sorry,” Alecia said, her eyes huge with fear. “I-I didn’t mean to bump into you. I’m really sorry.”
    She’s scared I’m like my father. Rae gave her a sympathetic smile . Guess I’m not the only one who worries about that still. “I’m fine. But I think I just picked up your tatù. Are you okay? ”
    “ Sorry about that,” Molly said to Alecia then scurr ied over to Rae. “ Try it on me.” Molly grabbed Rae’s hand and pressed it against her forearm. “I broke my left arm when I was seven. Can you tell?”
    “Ask Alecia to try it on you. It’s not my tatù.” Even as she said the words Rae pressed her brows together and, totally absorbed with the new ability, focused on Molly’s bones. She quickly let go of Molly’s arm and tried to hide a shudder. That’s gross. She watched silently as Alecia explained how her ability worked. Rae knew already. Like a probed camera pushing through Molly’s ar m , Rae had watched three layers of skin pe e l aside without actually moving. A thick red hose had passed through her tunnel of vision along with some kind of thin layer of shiny, creamy white stretchy stuff. A bit of pinkish red that reminded Rae of roast beef and then some thing hard and white with a thin zigzag line on it. Bone.
    “ There’s still a faint line where it’s healed but the bone at that part is actually stronger now than the rest.” Alecia smiled. Her ability obviously got her excited. “Rae, y ou’re not squeamish , are you?” Alecia rubbed her hands together. “ It takes a bit of getting used to , but it’s really not that bad . It took me like six or seven months to figure out how it worked . My aunt thought I was psycho when I asked her how she hurt her leg. She had this bad bump.” Alecia laughed , her whole face lighting up . “It happened like a month before , but the bruise had done something to her bone , and she didn’t even know it. Freaked her out when she went for a checkup and he r doctor found it. A piece of the bone had chipped , and her muscle was starting to grow around the little piece. She said she’d been complaining about it being sore but she just figured it was arthritis or something . ” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you just copied my ability when I stumbled. Can you work it now, like, could you tell on Molly? ”
    Rae nodded. “How’d you cover up – when your aunt asked ?” Totally fascinating.
    Alecia shrugged. “ I j ust made up some lame excuse like I ’d remembered the bruise and wondered how she was doing. Then I p retended to be surprised when she came over , and told me that she needed surgery to fix it . ”
    “I bet she thinks you’re a Saint,” Desiree said.
    “Or, she’s totally freaked out by you,” Molly added. “And won’t come near you , your parents or your house again .”
    Alecia said nothing, just chewed her lip.
    Rae punched Molly in the arm. “Molls – again?”
    Alecia sighed. “I don’t know all the medical stuff yet , but it’s totally fascinating to see how the body functions . I’m putting pieces together to figure out how stuff works. As long as I can keep my grades up, I want to get into pre-med. Then no one will freak out on me.”
    “Ignore Molly, Alecia. She’s got a habit of saying stuff that most people don’t even think of. She’s –”
    Madame Elpis barged into the Games Room , saving Molly from the verbal lashing Rae had been about to give her.
    “Ladies !” Madame Elpis cawed. “ I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Can I assume you’ve all introduced yourselves?” She held her clipboard tight under her arm.
    The newbies fell silent and nodded their heads. Rae smiled inwardly , recalling the feeling of meeting Madame Elpis for the first time .
    “Yes, Madame Elpis ,” Molly said, using her I’m-talking-to-a-teacher voice. “ I was about to ask if they wanted to go for lunch.”
    “ Good! You girls are hard to catch up with. I was

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