Dark Frame

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Book: Dark Frame by Iris Blaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Blaire
case. The personalities of my models vary because their only similarity is that they’re all (or once were) college students.
    Really, that’s all they are. College students. College students confident enough to do just about anything for money desperately needed.
    I can’t wait until the plane takes off and I can pop my earbuds in—hopefully painting a clear picture to Jaime that I’d rather not catch up. When Chloe passes me to get to her seat, she smiles. I smile back. Chloe is the petite model who posed with Adam during the audition. Shiny, black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a spatter of freckles. Imagine Lucy Lu to the power of cute. That’s Chloe.
    We only hired her and Jaime off of the audition. Eight models I’m taking to Boston, plus Evan. Hopefully I can conjure a powerful enough chemistry between all of them.
    My phone starts buzzing. I look down to see the person I least expected.
    Good grief. He’s probably one of those lame ex-boyfriends, calling his ex-girlfriend’s best friend in attempt to win sympathy points by bitching about how much he’s still in love with her.
    Still—I really like Dallas, even if he and Evan couldn’t get their act together enough to long-distance date.
    I ignore the call, but then I text him back:
    Boarding for Boston. Call you when I land.
    Hopefully that’s good enough.
    “ Has Cameron mentioned me at all?” Jaime asks.
    I do my best not to look irritated with him. “Nope, not since you got into that trouble right after I graduated high school.”
    He thinks for a moment. “What trouble?”
    “ The bar fight.”
    “ Ah. I was hanging with the wrong crowd.”
    “ You’re lucky my father liked you enough to never fire you.” When he doesn’t respond, I continue. “You always hung with the wrong crowd, including my brother. Babes, booze, fist fights… nothing was ever enough for you. At least my brother got out of it.”
    “ And I didn’t?” I can tell he’s losing his cool edge.
    “ I don’t know, did you?”
    He doesn’t answer. “So that’s all Cameron said about me?”
    I think for a moment, and glance over at him. With the straightest face I can manage, I say, “He also told me I wasn’t allowed to fuck you.”
    He bites back his lower lip in attempt to hide his smile, and then shakes his head. “Hearing dirty words from your mouth is going to take some time getting used to.”
    “ Just wait until you’re on set with me. It gets real bad. Cunts and cocksuckers everywhere.”
    In the midst of taking a sip of water, Jaime chokes.
    “ Kidding. Sort of. Just cocksucker, mainly.”
    “ God, kid, who did you inherit this mouth from?”
    “ Probably you. You know, in the midst of all the torment.”
    “ Okay, okay, I got it. I was an asshole to you.”
    “ Understatement.”
    Our plane moves into the runway queue.
    “ Well, I’m done, if it makes you feel any better.”
    “ Not really.”
    “ How can I prove it?”
    I stare at him hard. He looks sincere, but it’s impossible to tell with Jaime. “You can apologize for everything you’ve ever done to me that made me feel insecure about myself.”
    “ Jesus, Brit. How the hell am I supposed to remember?”
    “ Figure it out,” I say gruffly.
    He says nothing else to me as we take off, thank God. When we can finally use electronics, I pop in my earbuds and crank up the volume on M83, shutting my eyes for almost the entire flight.
    I don’t even know where I’m going.
    I’m essentially alone in chaperoning my crew. I’m doing the rounding up, the screaming at everyone to stop fucking around, and the dealing with maps and directions.
    Lucky for us, AA isn’t being stingy. I’m expecting to have an army of booked cabs waiting for us, but instead, we have a shuttle.
    Our own shuttle.
    A man in a nice suit waits by baggage claim with a sign that says East Park Exposed .
    “ Fabulous,” he exclaims when he sees the wave of us approaching him. “Hurry up and grab

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