Crossing the Line

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Book: Crossing the Line by Meghan Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meghan Rogers
full of determination.
    â€œThere’s nothing to find out!” I growled. I breathed heavily and made myself calm down a fraction. Then I smiled bitterly. “But even if there was, you’d never find it. We both know how good I am. Isn’t that right,
    His lips thinned and he let out a frustrated grunt. “Don’t. Call me that!”
    I pushed myself off the wall, away from him and toward the exit.

Chapter Six
    I t took me a few days to settle into the routine, but even then I never let down my guard. Scorpion’s angry condescension hadn’t lessened, and Cody and Rachel had taken a run at me every chance they got. But I could handle them. My classes were still overwhelming, but so far the first day had been the worst. Gwen had even worked out that I didn’t know how to take notes and walked me through it. Still, the best part of my day became the afternoon workout sessions. They gave me the chance to go off by myself in a corner and pound the punching bag. Agent Harper still rubbed me the wrong way, so punching something helped keep the cravings at bay.
    The downside was that the afternoon training sessions were open to both agents and academy students. The kids missed the morning sessions because they had their more practical combat and espionage classes. The afternoon sessions were also open to their teachers. Most of the instructors were older and out of the field, so they didn’t have too much of a presence in the training facility. But Agent Harper was younger and still actively training—he lived to torture me. He tried to bait me into a fight, but after the Cody incident I did my best to avoid all of them.
    Scorpion kept an eye on me, but he also stayed as far away as he possibly could. And the other agents did the same, aside from a few glares and glances, which was why it was so surprising when I realized one of Scorpion’s friends was standing next to my bag—she was the only one from his group I hadn’t talked to yet. She waited patiently with her arms crossed. I tried to ignore her, but the longer she stood the more determined she seemed. Eventually, my resolve cracked and I stopped punching. “What are you doing here?”
    She flipped her long dark ponytail over her shoulder and smiled. “I want to talk to you.”
    I blinked. The addition of the students had made the afternoon training sessions louder than the morning ones, and I was convinced that over the grunts and hits and laughter, I couldn’t possibly have heard her right. “You what?”
    She smiled. “The only agents you’ve talked to are Travis, Cody, Rachel, and Sidney Harper, and none of them are all that interested in hearing your side.”
    My eyes widened in disbelief. “And
    She shrugged. “I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I figure if you’re telling the truth and you aren’t brainwashed, then things must have been pretty awful for you. And I thought you could use someone to train with.”
    I stood stiff, unsure of how to react. I may have been here only a few days, but so far not one agent had even considered that I might be telling the truth. I wasn’t prepared for the flood of KATO memories that came with that acknowledgment.
    I didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t matter. She kept talking.“I’m Nikki, by the way.”
    â€œYou already know who I am.” I kept my stance guarded. “You’re friends with Rachel, right?”
    â€œYes,” she said with a skeptical tone.
    â€œI can’t imagine she would be too excited about you talking to me.” I glanced behind her and past several sparring agents to Rachel, who was glaring back at me.
    â€œShe’s not,” Nikki said. “But she’ll get over it. I have a habit of talking to people no one else likes. Though you should know that just because

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