Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy

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Book: Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy by Ally Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Carter
Tags: Humor, Chick lit, adventure, Romance, Contemporary, Mystery, Young Adult
sounded strange.
    “Of course I’m over him.” I shrugged and started walking, scanning the crowd. “I broke up with
Remember? It wasn’t a big deal.”
    Bex fell into step beside me. Her voice was almost timid as she said, “You don’t have to pretend, Cam.”
    But that’s what spies do—we pretend. We have aliases and disguises and go to great lengths to not be ourselves. So I said, “Of course I’m over him,” and walked on, clinging to my cover till the end.
    Bex probably would have argued with me; I’m sure she would have pointed out that Josh had been my first boyfriend, my first kiss; that he had seen me when to the rest of the world I was invisible, and that’s not the kind of thing a girl—much less a spy—forgets so quickly. Knowing Bex, she probably would have pointed out a lot of things; but at that very moment… twenty feet ahead of us … we saw a woman in a beige business suit sitting on a bench, talking on a cell phone. There was nothing unusual about her—not her hair, not her face. Nothing except for the fact that fifty minutes before, she’d been wearing a jogging suit and pushing a baby stroller.
    “Bex,” I said as calmly as possible.
    “I see her,” Bex replied.

    Here’s the thing you need to know about detecting and losing a tail: to do it right—I mean
right—you’d need to cover half a city. You’d climb in and out of cabs and train cars and walk against the grain on at least a dozen busy sidewalks. You’d take all day.
    But Mr. Solomon hadn’t given us all day, and that was kind of the point. So Bex and I spent the next hour going in one museum entrance and out another. Going up escalators only to come down the elevator two minutes later. We made sudden stops and looked in mirrors and tied our shoelaces when they didn’t need it. It was a virtual blur of corner-clearing and litter-dropping—everything I’ve ever seen, everything I’ve ever even heard of! (At one point Bex had almost talked me into crawling out the bathroom window in the Air and Space Museum, but a U.S. Marshal walked by and we decided not to press our luck.)
    The seconds ticked by and the sun went lower, and soon the shadow of the Washington Monument was stretched almost the full length of the Mall. Time was running out.
    “Tina,” I said through my comms unit, “how are you and Anna?” But I was met with empty silence. “Mick,” I said. “Are you there?”
    Bex and I shared a worried glance, because there are reasons operatives go radio-silent, and most of them are not good.
    We were cutting across the Mall, walking north, hoping anyone who wasn’t intentionally following us would stick to the path.
    “Forty-seven minutes,” I announced, as if Bex weren’t fully aware of that fact.
    She turned around to glance at a man walking too fast behind us, and I didn’t know whether to take it as an insult or a compliment that a team of CIA pros didn’t care if they stood out anymore. They just wanted to stay with us.
    When a crowd of girls filled the sidewalk in front of us and started down the long, steep escalator to the Metro station below, I looked at Bex. “Do it!” she said, and we merged into the crowd. The girls were wearing white blouses almost exactly like ours. Their name badges bore a logo from something called Mock Supreme Court, They were almost identical to us from the waist up, so Bex and I slipped off our coats as we descended into the cavernous, echoing station.
    “I love your bracelet!” I said to the brunette next to me, because, while most girls are on to the whole strangers-with-candy thing, the strangers-with-compliments strategy is still remarkably effective.
    “Thanks!” said the girl, who, according to her badge, was Whitney from Dallas. “Hey, are y’all with the group?”
    “Yeah,” Bex said. Then she looked down at her chest. “Oh my gosh! I left my name tag in my senator’s office—we took them off to have our picture taken,” she

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