Crazy Love (Emerald Lake Billionaires 3)

Read Online Crazy Love (Emerald Lake Billionaires 3) by Leeanna Morgan - Free Book Online

Book: Crazy Love (Emerald Lake Billionaires 3) by Leeanna Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeanna Morgan
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Montana, love, bride, bridesmaid, Clean & Wholesome, billioniare
    “You will have to wait for the surprise. For now, we need to concentrate on Tommy’s family and friends. How is the temperature? I turned the heaters on three hours ago. I don’t want our little boy getting cold.”
    Mia kissed her granddad’s cheek. “It’s perfect. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
    “It’s what granddads are for. Besides, I want Holly to let me sell another two of her beautiful landscapes. She might look more kindly on me if she knows I’ve got a good heart.”
    “I knew that already,” Holly said with a smile. “Next week I’ll show you what I’ve been working on.”
    The warehouse door opened. Emily, the owner of a fashion boutique beside Angel Wings Café, wheeled a large clothes rack inside. “Hi, everyone. Where would you like this?”
    The next twenty minutes was a mixture of laughter, last-minute preparations, and hope that the auction would be a success.
    Hannah and Claire arrived with other members of the art collective. Everyone would be pitching in to help guests find paintings they were interested in, serve the finger food and pour drinks.
    Tommy and his mom, Andrea, arrived on time and with more food.
    “You didn’t need to bring anything,” Hannah said quickly.
    “We wanted to help. My husband will be here soon with more food.” Andrea passed Holly a tray of pastries. “We can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing.”
    “We’re happy to help. I’ll take this across to a table.” Tommy looked happy in his stroller. He had his favorite toy dangling from the edge of the frame and another soft toy in his fist.
    Hannah and Nick took Tommy and his mom on a tour of the exhibition. Holly stood by the entrance with a bundle of catalogs in her arms, ready to welcome their first guests. She didn’t have to wait long.
    Doris Stanley and her husband Jake were next through the doors. Mrs. Stanley was wearing a deep aubergine dress with a softly pleated skirt and long sleeves. Holly looked at her lime-green shoes.
    “You don’t think they’re too much, do you?” Mrs. Stanley whispered. “Jake preferred my silver shoes, but I wanted to be a little more artsy.”
    “They look very artsy and comfortable,” Holly said with a smile. “Would you like a catalog to take around the exhibition with you?”
    Mrs. Stanley shook her head. “I went online and looked at the electronic version. Isn’t the Internet a wonderful thing? We’ve already chosen the painting we’re going to buy, haven’t we Jake?”
    Jake, resplendent in a charcoal suit and green tie, nodded at his wife. “It wasn’t an easy decision to make, mind you. You’ve got a lot of high-quality paintings on offer. We still need to decide on a second choice if the painting we want is sold to someone else.”
    “If you need any more information, head toward the people with red name badges,” Holly said, pointing to the badge on her shirt. “They know where everything is and how to help you.”
    Another couple walked into the warehouse and the Stanleys moved away.
    Mia, Hannah, Nick, and Claire took small groups of people around the exhibition space. They talked about the artists, their work, and any interesting information about their paintings.
    When Holly heard Nick say a few words to Tommy’s family and friends about the auction, she realized it didn’t matter how much money they raised. What mattered was that everyone was here because they cared about Tommy. And that, Holly had learned, was more important than all the money in the world.
    Hannah stood beside Holly. “It’s going well, so far,” she whispered. “Mia’s going to stand by the entrance. She’ll catch the next wave of people as they come through the doors.”
    “We’ll need more catalogs,” Holly whispered. “I’ll get some out of the storage area in a few minutes.”
    Hannah nodded toward Nick. “Mia’s granddad seems to be enjoying himself.”
    Holly looked across the room. Nick was talking to Tommy’s

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