Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel

Read Online Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel by Sawyer Bennett - Free Book Online

Book: Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
Tags: Humor, LEGAL, Romance, Contemporary, Adult, sexy, steamy, funny, Law, Erotic, love, lawyer
chair and head to the door, changing the subject quickly. “Have
you hired an accident reconstructionist on the speed issue in the Jackson case?”
    “No. I wasn’t
sure where to start with that.”
    Glancing at my
watch, I decide I can give her a few more minutes. I walk back and
stand near her desk. “I have to get back to work but show me
the accident report really quick, and I’ll direct you where to
    Mac scrambles up
from her chair and rounds her desk. She needs to scoot in between her
desk and me to get to the bookcase that houses several binders. She
murmurs ‘excuse me’ as she tries to slide by me, but her
butt grazes up against my crotch. It’s hardly a touch at all…
almost as light as a breeze, but I fucking feel it straight through
to my toes, causing me to hiss under my breath.
    Mac quickly steps
away and spins around to look at me with fearful eyes. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”
    The apology is way
too late because lust courses through my bloodstream, causing my cock
to swell and my anger to rise that I react so quickly to just the
tiniest of touches. My eyes close tight, and my hands curl into
fists. My heart is racing and although I know she didn’t mean
to do it, it enraged me all the same.
    I open my eyes
slowly and fuck… she looks turned on and scared all at the
same time.
    No power over my
legs as they move one step closer to her. My voice is almost
unrecognizable and comes out in a snarl. “I thought I could
work in close proximity to you and be able to keep my hands to
myself. Guess I was fucking lying to myself.”
    I wait to see if she
bolts or at the very least talks some rational sense into me. She
swallows hard and says, “I think—”
    Nope. That sounds
way too much like some rational words are getting ready to come out
of that beautiful mouth. I cut her off by lunging at her, running one
arm across the shit on her desk and sending it crashing to the floor,
the other arm hooking around her waist. I briefly consider that
someone else may be in the office, hear the noise, and come to
    I couldn’t
give a fuck at this point.
    I bend her backward
over her desk and say, “Don’t say a fucking word,
McKayla. Just don’t.”
    Taking her face in
my hands, I kiss her. I can’t go slowly. I can’t give her
sweet. I can only give her hard and molten right now, but she eats it
up. The kiss is fucking incendiary… off the fucking charts
hot. I grind my pelvis into hers, and she moans. She palms my cock
through my jeans, and I groan. I reciprocate by squeezing her breast.
    All great, but not
enough. It will only be enough if I can fuck her, but a moment of
doubt sizzles through me. This is wrong on so many levels.
    Pulling away from
her lips, I curse, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”
    Her eyes are wide,
unsure… still filled with desire. She’s not making it
easy on me to do the right thing.
    “We don’t
have to—” she says, but my growl has her snapping her
mouth shut. She was getting ready to bring reason into the mix again,
and even though my conscience is telling me to listen up, it was
apparently my dick that issued the growl that has her shutting up.
    Um… yeah,
okay. I’m going to listen to my dick.
    Now, how do I want
    Naked first.
    I stand up and
quickly take off her clothes, not taking any time to appreciate her
surprised gasp. I push her so she’s splayed out across her
desk. Her raven hair is fanned out and her green eyes sparkling. Her
skin is so soft and I want to start there, but I really don’t
have time. We’re in my law firm… my place of business. I
need to get this done fast… get her out of my system really,
and then be done with it.
    My brain tells me to
just pull my dick out and slam it home.
    But my mouth waters
with the thought of sinking my tongue into her first. Yeah…
time is short, but there’s still enough to get her off.
Remembering her cries of pleasure last weekend are like foreplay to
me, so I’m

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