Collared (Going to the Dogs)
Faith’s face…and something else that Aiden had obviously never noticed. The woman was head over heels in love with him, and he was too traumatized to see it.
    Even though she was a meddler, she knew Aiden wasn’t in any condition to handle emotional stress at this point, no matter what kind.
    “Fuck!” he said and strode towards Harper. Brushing past her, he slipped out the side door and slammed it behind him. She’d reached for him, but he had either not noticed or hadn’t bothered to acknowledge it.
    “You’ve got to give him time,” Faith said. “Pushing Aiden isn’t going to help.”
    Harper sighed. “You’re right, but my father needs his answer. But I’ll explain to him that Aiden is still struggling, and my father will back off. I’m glad Aiden has you, Faith.”
    “For all the good I’m doing. He has nightmares and I don’t think he’s sleeping well. The only thing that seems to calm him is being here and focusing on the work.”
    “Has he seen a doctor?”
    “Yes, he’s seeing a doctor, thank God, but he’d kill me if he knew I told you. He doesn’t want to worry you or your father.”
    “That’s Aiden. Stoic all the way. And completely blind to the fact that avoiding us is creating more worry than any difficult conversation would. But please call if you ever need me. Whenever, okay?”
    “Of course, Harper.”
    “Tell him I’m sorry I upset him, and I’ll tell Dad he’s not ready.”
    Faith nodded and set down the carrier. “Do you want your coffee?”
    “Of course, you got it for me.”


    She had Jeffrey drop her in front of McGinty’s right after they had a heated argument about it. Jeffrey didn’t like the looks of the joint, and he thought Harper should go back home. But she was doing this whether he liked it or not. She was the boss.
    She was excited about this evening, and that alien sensation of butterflies in her stomach was just an offshoot of that excitement. She never got nervous. She pushed the weathered door open and stepped into the dim interior. It was filled with tables, and those tables were filled with men…well, at least mostly men.
    She peered into the gloom looking for Caleb. But she couldn’t see him. Many eyes turned her way, and she smiled and walked up to the bar.
    “Are ye lost, love?”
    The bartender had a wonderful Irish accent. “No, I’m not. I’m meeting someone here.”
    “You, love? Meeting someone here ?” He frowned. It was clear he thought she didn’t belong. Well, that was just too bad. He was in the same boat as her chauffeur. Caleb would probably think the same thing.
    Anticipation curled in her at seeing him again. There was something about that man that made her heart race, a raw energy that arced between them, and that was saying something.
    She thought what probably every other red-blooded female thought when first looking at him . Get him in bed as quickly as possible. Let me see what he has under those clothes. But after talking to him, she wanted to see him in his own environment. Was there some common ground for them? It didn’t mean she didn’t still want to touch his mouth, his beard, his shoulders, make those brown eyes of his heat up. Make him see only her. No, that was silly, because she wasn’t a proprietary person at all.
    A hook-up with Caleb was what she’d planned, but now she wasn’t so sure. There was something about him that made her nervous. Some…something she worried might snag her if she got too close.
    “Is meeting here so surprising?”
    “Aye, ‘tis, but what can I get ye?”
    “A beer.”
    He smiled and he pulled one from the tap as Harper sat down at one of the barstools. After a few minutes a man approached her.
    “What you on about, boyo?”
    “Just wanted to see if the lady would like to shoot some pool.”
    “Pool? Yes, I love pool.”
    He smiled and she turned to see two pool tables set up in the back.
    “Miss, ‘tis a bad idea. Can I call ye a cab?”
    “No, thank you. I have

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