Claiming Sunshine

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Book: Claiming Sunshine by S. E. Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Leonard
his ass for the way he treats Nikki. He decides on a quick drive by. He just can't help himself. He wants to see her, even if it's just a glimpse.
                  She is standing at the couch, folding laundry, where it is piled high from the week’s worth of clothes and towels. She is watching game shows, mindless, but it keeps her occupied while she folds and piles it all. Sam is in the front yard mowing and she can see him through the window as he goes back and forth.
                  Something captures her attention away from the trivia that she is trying to answer in her head from the show. That sound... she knew that sound and had become hyper sensitive to it in the previous weeks. It was a low bass, a rumble of a Harley. Was it him? Her heart raced as she went towards the front door to get out on the porch to see.
                  Was he going to rescue her today? Where are the girls? She looks back into the house and can see them through the dining room slider. They are out in the small back yard tossing a ball back and forth and laughing. Would he do it like this, with no warning? Just show up and take her and the girls? Thoughts are racing, what if this, what if that.  Then she sees him.
                  He sees Sam in the yard pushing the mower across the grass. Fuck. He wants to stop and lay him out right there. Stupid fuck doesn't have a clue he is about to lose it all. His focus changes as he looks past him and sees her standing on the porch, looking back and forth from him to something back in the house. She has a towel in her hand that she is fidgeting with. God damn she is beautiful. Seeing her was a mistake. He thought it would help, but now, seeing her there with him made him long to claim what was his even more. She smiled at him. He nodded his head at her and accelerated the bike. He had to get out of there, it was too much.
                  Sam looked up as the noise of the bike out did the mower. It startled him and he let go of the handle, cutting the engine. “Stupid fucking biker scared the shit out of me.” He saw her on the steps. She was still looking towards the man on the bike. “Yo, quit gawking at that stupid biker and get me something to drink.” She disappeared into the house.
                  Ignoring his drink order she, picked up her cell phone and text him.
    Sunshine: What was that all about? I thought maybe that was it, you were coming for us?
    Scooter: Nope, just had to get a look at ya, yep, ur still mine, all mine.
    Scooter: delete these.
    Sunshine: Yep all yours. See you tomorrow.... deleting
    Scooter: Nope, see you Weds gotta go on a run babe. Will be thinkin bout ya.
                  She goes right to deleting the texts as Sam comes in. “What the fuck, Nikki? I said get me some water and you are just standing there with that phone.” He goes to the sink and starts pouring a glass of water. “Who you chattin' with?”
                  “Just work. Boss wants to know if I ordered some parts for tomorrow.” She goes back to folding clothes, focused on the window this time.
                  She had a hard time sleeping that night and thank God Sam hadn't tried anything.
                  All she could think about was how bad she wanted to be with him, and only him. She tossed and turned.
                  The next couple of days dragged for her but went on without a hitch. Sam had to work late, so dinner wasn't an issue between them and he was too tired to want sex from her. She could barely wait till Wednesday. She had become completely preoccupied with Scooter and everything about him. The way he walked, talked, took what was his.
                  Wednesday morning. Finally. She rushed the kids to school and couldn't wait to get to work, fully expecting him to be there opening the

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