Chances Are

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Book: Chances Are by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
roof. Garrett Lawrence would be a convert if it was the last thing she did.
    On the drive back to the studio, Garrett kept thinking about his visit, not so much the shooting possibilities but the entire episode. Reality kept clashing with what he’d believed to be true. The constant butting of heads had thrown him completely off center.
    He parked in front of the studio and went in, glad to see that Jason was still in the office. He tossed his battered leather flight jacket, followed by his cap on a vacant chair, then plopped down, stretching his legs out in front of him.
    â€œSo let’s hear it. What’s the place like?”
    Garrett looked at Jason for a hot minute. The corner of his mouth flinched upward. “Believe me, it’s nothing like I thought.” He looked off toward the empty space, and a vision of Dione materialized before him. “Nothing at all,” he whispered.

Chapter 7
    T he intercom on Dione’s phone buzzed. She depressed the flashing red light.
    â€œYes, Brenda.”
    â€œGarrett Lawrence is on the phone.”
    Dione’s eyebrows rose. He’d only been gone a little more than an hour. Had he changed his mind about working with them? “Thanks, Bren. I’ll take it.” She pressed the blinking yellow light. “Mr. Lawrence, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. Is there a problem?”
    â€œNo. No problem. I, uh, I know I left some information with your assistant, but I felt it was better if I spoke to you directly. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
    The message was clear enough, she thought, doing a quick mental replay of what Brenda had said, and couldn’t imagine what was unclear.
    â€œYou’re not disturbing me. I’m listening.”
    He cleared his throat, suddenly tongue-tied, knowing that the real reason why he called had nothing to do with the message he’d left.
    â€œI was hoping that we could get together—before you come in to tape the PSA—go over a few things.” He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped he didn’t sound as idiotic as he felt.
    Dione frowned. “Is that really necessary? I mean, I’m sure you can tell me what you need. I—”
    â€œWhy don’t I just be honest,” he cut in. “That’s not the reason why I called.” He blew out a breath through his teeth. “We—I started off on the wrong foot. And that’s not the way to get into a business endeavor. I need to be objective and not bring my life or my opinions to the job. I was out of line with my comments.”
    â€œI hadn’t noticed,” she said fighting a smile.
    â€œWell, I did, and I’m sorry.”
    â€œConsider your apology accepted.”
    For a moment no one spoke.
    â€œMaybe we could meet tomorrow—after work. I’m done here about six,” Dione said, not sure where that one had come from. But it was out now.
    â€œSounds good. You name the place.”
    â€œHave you ever been to Ashford and Simpson’s place, the Sugar Bar on—”
    â€œSeventy-second,” he chuckled, finishing her sentence.
    â€œI take it you have. Hope that’s a good thing.”
    â€œDefinitely. Food’s good. Great atmosphere. Say about seven—give you time to get there?”
    â€œSeven is fine.” She hesitated a moment. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    â€œLooking forward to it.”
    Had his voice taken on a huskier note, or was she just imagining things?
    â€œTomorrow then.”
    â€œHave a good evening.”
    â€œYou, too.” Absently she hung up the phone. “Well, that conversation sure took a walk around the bend.” She leaned back in her seat. “One minute I’m twisted out of shape because of his ugly attitude, and the next I’m meeting him for dinner. I must be losing my mind.” She slapped her palms down on the desktop and stood, picking up several folders in the

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