Caught in the Current (Pacific Shores Book 2)
than his wife’s had. He stretched a hand out to her, and a smile lit his green eyes. Reece had definitely gotten his eyes from his father.
    Marie stepped forward and took the vein-etched hand, offering a smile of her own. “Hi, Mr. Cahill. I’m so sorry to hear how sick you’ve become. I’ve been praying for you.”
    He waved a hand to brush away her concern. “The Lord has given me a lot of good years. Who am I to question the portal He uses to bring me home?” He kept ahold of her and tugged her closer.
    Marie clasped her thumb around his and curled her fingers over the back of his hand. She leaned her elbows on the side rail of his bed. He’d always liked her more than his wife had.
    “So…” He quirked an eyebrow so much like Reece often did. “You here with my boy?”
    Marie tilted her head and took in the twinkle in his lively eyes. Her lips tipped into a smile. “Yes. But no.”
    An anemic chuckle slipped from him. “Well, since he’s only been home a day, I suppose I should give it some time, huh?”
    He was so sweet. Where Darlene had more often than not set her on edge, Dave Cahill had a way of making her feel like she was special and important. “Thank you for always being so kind to me.”
    He nodded. “It’s easy to be kind to a woman I hope will one day be my daughter.”
    Tears pricked her eyes. She really should tell him that would never happen, but she couldn’t bring herself to shatter his hopes. She bent forward and placed a kiss on his forehead. “You’re so sweet.”
    “Hey. How is it you can always figure out a way to wrangle a kiss from a pretty lady, Dad?”
    Marie’s heart stuttered even as she glanced up to see Reece striding in from the patio. She chuckled and stepped back from Dave, swiping tears from under her eyes.
    Reece stopped on the other side of the bed and touched his dad’s shoulder. But his curious gaze remained on her. He tipped a nod toward the patio. “Alyssa is out there with Taysia.”
    “Okay, I better get on out there, or Kylen will have her plate full of brownies and cake.”
    Reece winced exaggeratedly. “She’s not allowed to have cake?”
    Marie chuckled. “She’s already worked her wiles on you, huh?”
    He held up his fingers a short way apart. “It was just a little piece.”
    He smiled softly, but there was a hint of concern in his expression. “You okay?” he mouthed.
    She nodded. “I’ll head out and check on Alyssa.”

Chapter 6
    Reece couldn’t help but wonder what Dad had said to elicit tears from Marie.
    She paused at the foot of his bed and reached out to squeeze one of Dad’s toes. “So nice to see you again, Mr. Cahill.”
    Dad gave her a thumbs-up.
    Reece watched her step hesitantly out onto the terrace and then turned back to find Dad’s knowing gaze fixed on him. “You better snap that girl up before someone else does.”
    Reese eased a hip onto the bed and grinned. “Still a matchmaker, huh?”
    Even though levity danced in his eyes, Dad tipped his head in sincerity. “I’m serious about this one.”
    “Yeah? Well, things are complicated. She already has a man in her life, not surprisingly.”
    Dad cocked an eyebrow. “Sometimes a man has to fight for what he wants.”
    Reece grinned and took Dad’s hand. “I’ll keep your sage advice in mind. Can I get you anything?”
    Dad waved away the offer.
    “Are you sure? Mom made your favorite pistachio Jell-O salad.”
    Dad’s eyes brightened. “Since you twisted my arm, I think I will have a scoop of that.”
    “Good. I’ll get you some.”
    “You’ll get him some of what?” Mom bustled in from the direction of the kitchen with a salad in her hands.
    “Dad wants some of your pistachio salad.”
    Mom’s countenance brightened. “Good! I’ll get it for him, Reece. You go visit with your friends.”
    “Alright.” Reece reached up to squeeze Dad’s shoulder. “I love you, Dad.” He didn’t plan to miss a chance to tell his dad he loved him

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