Catching Whitney

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Book: Catching Whitney by Amy Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Hale
Tags: Novel
he treated Mabel at the diner. Hell, who am I kidding; it was all of the above, and then some. He’s undeniably sex-on-a-stick, and any woman with eyeballs and a functioning libido would be lying if they said otherwise. For some reason, he has set his sights on me, at least for now. I wish I could relax and enjoy the attention, but he’s not the kind of guy you just walk away from when it’s all over. This is the sort of thing that will leave me devastated and broken. If I give in to Aidan Walsh, it’s inevitable that I’ll eventually end up in a pile of smoldering ashes. When the smoke clears, I’ll be an even bigger mess than ever before. I can’t take that chance. It’s too big a risk to my emotional health and sanity.
    My phone rings, and I look down to see a number I don’t recognize.
    “Whitney, it’s Aidan.”
    Wondering if he’s got two cell phones, I sigh. “Hi, Aidan.”
    His tone is rigid, and I get the impression he’s fighting to stay calm. “Listen, I know you don’t want to talk to me, although it beats the hell out of me as to why. But right now I need your help with Caleb.”
    I feel a ripple of fear race through me. “Is he okay?”
    “I’m not sure. He’s locked himself in his room and has refused to come out all day. I could strong-arm my way in, but I don’t think that’s the appropriate response. Rebecca is gone for the weekend, and I don’t know how to deal with this. I’m just...” His voice breaks a little, and it emphasizes just how worried he is. “I’m not good with this kind of thing. This is something his mother was suited for. I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
    It’s the first time I’ve heard Aidan mention Caleb’s mother. His voice is quiet and despondent.
    I clear my throat. “Sure, I’m happy to help if I can. What do you need me to do?”
    “Can you come over? Maybe coax him out of his room so we can talk to him?”
    “I can try.” I jot down his address and promise to be right there.
    I spare a quick thought over my appearance, then realize what I’m doing. I chide myself for caring what Aidan thinks. We will never be an item, and this visit is about helping Caleb, not impressing his father. My hair is almost dry from my recent shower, so I run a brush through it and leave it hanging down my back. I quickly slip on my boots and grab my jacket. Once inside Sir B, I start him up and drive the twenty minutes it takes to get to Aidan’s house.
    I pull into the drive and turn off the ignition. As I get out of the car I whistle to myself; the house is impressive. The large ranch-style home is fairly new and one of the nicest in town. The walkway is flanked by neatly-trimmed rose bushes. I can only imagine the aroma and beauty they add to the landscape when in full bloom. I approach the large wooden door and ring the bell. Aidan opens the door almost immediately after and just the sight of him sends my blood racing. I try to paste on a convincing smile - something comforting and friendly - but I’m not sure how well I’m pulling that look off. I probably resemble something more akin to a chicken aware it’s walking into the fox’s den. That’s certainly how it feels. Focus on Caleb, Whitney. He needs you.
    Aidan gives me a weary smile in return and motions for me to enter. As I pass him, he reaches behind me to shut the door. For a brief moment, I can feel him behind me, and it’s unsettling. I have to fight every urge to turn and run.
    I move farther into the foyer instead. “So, tell me what happened. How did this all start?”
    He runs a hand through his hair, and I can’t help but notice that it’s longer than it used to be. When he removes his fingers from his brown locks, it leaves them sticking up in a haphazard fashion. Worry is etched on his face, and when I look into his eyes, I see the extent of his misery.
    “Please, have a seat in the living room. I’ll fill you in, then we can see if he’ll talk to you.”

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